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  1. #1
    Guardian of the Universe comicstar100's Avatar
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    Default What do you love about DC Comics

    So I know we talk a lot on here about what we think DC isn't doing right or what we don't like etc. But I thought it would be cool to have a thread saying what we love about DC comics. I've been a comic reader my entire life and DC has always been my favorite. What I always really loved about DC were the amazing graphic novels. I feel like if anyone off the street said they wanted to read a comic and didn't know where to start I could always recommend things like Kingdom Come, All Star Superman, Watchmen etc.
    Last edited by comicstar100; 04-05-2016 at 04:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Extraordinary Member Caivu's Avatar
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    I'm more drawn to non-powered superheroes than powered ones, and DC seems to have more, higher-profile, and largely better-written ones than any other company I've seen. I'm talking very generally here.

    I like plenty of characters from many comic publishers, but most of the ones I love are from DC.
    Last edited by Caivu; 04-05-2016 at 05:59 PM.
    Mega fan of: Helena Bertinelli (pre-52), Batwoman, Birds of Prey, Guardians of the Galaxy, Secret Six
    Fan of: Batman, Cassandra Cain, Wonder Woman, Silk, Stephanie Brown, Captain America, Hellcat, Renee Montoya, Gotham Central, King Shark
    Quasi-Fan of: Aquaman, Midnighter, Superman, Catwoman, Nightwing, Green Arrow, Squadron Supreme, Red Hood

    Other likes: Low, Hush, Arkham Asylum: ASHoSE, Watchmen, A-Force, Bombshells, Grayson, Unfollow

    Team Cap (both Rogers and Danvers)

  3. #3
    Amazing Member CowGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by comicstar100 View Post
    So I know we talk a lot on here about what we think DC isn't doing right or what we don't like etc. But I thought it would be cool to have a thread saying what we love about DC comics. I've been a comic reader my entire life and DC has always been my favorite. What I always really loved about DC were the amazing graphic novels. I feel like if anyone off the street said they wanted to read a comic and didn't know where to start I could always recommend things like Kingdom Come, All Star Superman, Watchmen etc.
    I love Superman... the cast and story development from the triangle years. I love how good stories Batman gets. I hated Wonder Woman until I read Azzarello's run. Why? Because, as a woman, I couldn't stand a character supposed to be the embodiement of woman power and dress like she did. At least Chiang didn't draw her as Vampirella...

  4. #4
    Never Giving Up! GreenLanternRanger's Avatar
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    I love the characters and what they stand for. I love the world and the stories. I love the heroes and the villains. I just plain love DC.

    And for general comics and characters. I love Morrison's DC work. All-Star Superman, Final Crisis, Multiversity, etc. All solid reads IMO.

    I love the various Lantern Corps and their part of the DCU. Hal, Kyle, John, Guy, Kilowog, Saint Walker, Sinestro, Bleez. So many great characters.

    I love Superman because he's bigger then life and at the same time very human.

    And finally I love Wonder Woman because she's strong, smart and has a good heart.
    There's a Time For Peace, and Then There's a Time To Punch Nazi Scumbags in the Face!!

  5. #5
    Extraordinary Member Lightning Rider's Avatar
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    One important thing DC has that I love is a classic sense of mythology. Their characters are larger than life and represent human qualities that readers aspire to and feel inspired by. Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman are cultural icons for a reason. The Flash and Green Lantern rest on the concept of legacy, history, relationships, and their powers lend themselves to expansive stories about space and time travel. I could go on. Each character on their own just brings so much to the table. Each character is like a universe onto themselves. What matters just as much if not more than the powers or the fictional backstory is the person underneath. DC characters may seem simple because of their prevalence in pop culture but they aren't. They are complex and different approaches in their writing tap into different themes in humanity. They feel like very real people, but they are also important symbols. DC has plenty of room for grit, flaws, tortured characters, and street level heroes too. But it offers so much more, and when it comes to heroism, character development, and powerful literary themes, DC takes it.

  6. #6
    The Winged Wonder Hawkman's Avatar
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    Unsurprisingly, my answer is Hawkman. Everything about the character, from the look, to the personality, to the mythology, to the power-set; everything. Specifically, though, the historical dynamic between him and Hawkgirl as an equal, husband-and-wife team has always been extremely appealing to me. I'm sure a psychologist could find a flaw or something stemming my upbringing or youth in general to explain it away, but for whatever reason, I've always connected with this theme of the Hawks on a very personal level, and I truly wish DC would get back to it.

    Also, big stories and powerful characters. I know Marvel has them, too, but DC's have always seemed to be more at the forefront, at least from my perspective, anyway.
    Batman: I need your help finding a man named Vulko.
    Hawkman: You want him dead or alive?
    - Justice League #17

  7. #7
    Incredible Member steeplejack2112's Avatar
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    I love Superman. He has always been my favorite, and although I am not impressed with the last five years, he is still my favorite hero. I also love the Legion of Super-Heroes, The Spectre, The JSA and All-Star Squadron, Shazam, and Firestorm.

    Batman is my second favorite hero.

  8. #8
    Incredible Member NeathBlue's Avatar
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    When I first got into DC in the mid 1970's, I loved how the comics were so different than UK comics... The artwork was vastly superior and in colour and another thing that got me facinated about American comics, were the adverts they had in them... The X-ray glasses etc that you'd see advertised... All so different than comics like the Beano or Dandy.
    I tried Marvel comics as well, and while I like their films, I just couldn't take to their comics.

  9. #9
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    I'm only 18 but I started reading comics when I was about four. I like Marvel (thought not so much in recent years) , but for some reason I was always drawn to the DC stuff. The adventures felt so real to me, and I always loved the artwork. But I guess it all boils down to the characters. I always felt that DC had better characters and a better universe altogether. To me, DC's universe felt more developed than Marvel's, and I loved how a lot of characters had their own mini universe and mythology.

    I love Superman, so so much. The last page of the Man of Steel is one of my favorite comic pages ever. And Batman is my second favorite, after that I will eat up just about anything from DC.

    I really can't explain it. It all comes down to taste. As a kid I just felt more drawn to DC comics, I worship the pre-crisis stuff to this day and I still collect issues every month, and I'm still buying the trades, action figures, watching the shows/movies...I really can't get enough!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bogotazo View Post
    One important thing DC has that I love is a classic sense of mythology. Their characters are larger than life and represent human qualities that readers aspire to and feel inspired by. Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman are cultural icons for a reason. The Flash and Green Lantern rest on the concept of legacy, history, relationships, and their powers lend themselves to expansive stories about space and time travel. I could go on. Each character on their own just brings so much to the table. Each character is like a universe onto themselves. What matters just as much if not more than the powers or the fictional backstory is the person underneath. DC characters may seem simple because of their prevalence in pop culture but they aren't. They are complex and different approaches in their writing tap into different themes in humanity. They feel like very real people, but they are also important symbols. DC has plenty of room for grit, flaws, tortured characters, and street level heroes too. But it offers so much more, and when it comes to heroism, character development, and powerful literary themes, DC takes it.
    Bravo to all of this. I feel the exact same way.
    Last edited by Elmo; 04-06-2016 at 01:33 PM.

  10. #10
    DARKSEID LAUGHS... Crazy Diamond's Avatar
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    Current DC doesn't do it for me and hasn't in a while, but every now and then I'll find something I enjoy before it eventually dies.

    I also liked the variety DC used to have with their imprints (Zuda, CMX, Focus, Vertigo, Wildstorm, Milestone). The back library DC has is pretty nice and I'm looking forward to some of the trade releases that will be coming out this year.

    Their cartoons are pretty good too.

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