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  1. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by Baron of Faltine View Post
    Lex Luthor is a supergenius, class nine intelligence and all. He has that comic book intelligence that allow him to build insane reality warping shit, usually when wanting to get close to Superman he wear a cool purple and green armor and go for it. He also has endless resources as Batman does
    Batman...should I rally pull in god batman? Should I really? The "with enough time a preparation" thingies?
    Doctor Doom is a sorcerer, martial artist,super genius and what else. In most superhero rpg is the multiclass of multiclasses!
    Iron Man is supergenius and gizmoteer, with endless resources....see a trend here.
    All "regular" human have the weirdest excuse to how they can do what they do, usually endless money.
    Blade....unless he started wearing skintight exoskeleton for killing vampires or goes under cybernetic enhancement(hey were the 90s your were no one if you did not get a glory bionic eyes and soem metal plates, could have happened....)
    Notice how when punisher had to deal with really superpowered opponents he either , Oh what a coincidence ! , stumble upon a power armor, or some one use only superweapons, or he get turned briefly into frankestein(loved that story!) And often he barely make it...or he just got the weirdest plot armor/ridiculous amount of luck and complete dumbness of the opponent(everything he defeat Wolverine is frankly as absurd as Superman get mindcontrolled EVERY TIME HE GOES TO GOTHAM WHAT THE HECk WRITERS!)

    Now before the 2000 martial arts somehow was seen as one of those "equaliser" of sort , but overtime expecially since articles against fake martial arts and macdojos become more widespread as well as the wise recommendation that no martial arts allow you to dodge bullet or knockout bigger opponents with a simple touch and that in most case running away is best solution(because apparently you have to tell clearly that you can not stop bullets and knives bare handed) kind lowered the appeal of martial arts as "regular dude can handle a god if know those"
    Unless is super martial arts, but those are akin to magic(replace spell cha ting with katas is the same) hence superpowers.

    So yeah. EitherBlade become freaking Batman, ie super good at everything, filthy rich with kick ass light armor that can be magical as well as Fleet of vehicles and tools for any needs. Or get lil power boost and let him go for the gritty Street hero look.
    Dr. Doom regularly loses to the F4 then turns around and takes on characters like the Beyonder, his sorcery and science shouldn't allow him to do things like that yet he does. Unless Blade is taking on Thanos level villains I don't see why he absolutely needs powers. If he's facing barely superhuman characters not much stronger than Cap it's not like he'll die without powers.

    I see the majority of Blade fans here want him with powers tho so it doesn't matter what I think agree to disagree all I'll say is if a character absolutely must have powers that makes them seem less interesting imo. A character should be more than their powers and abilities unless it's a huge part of their character. Obviously Superman needs to be super and Hulk needs to get stronger the madder he gets but will Blade fundamentally change as a person with or without powers?

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by The True Detective View Post
    Dr. Doom regularly loses to the F4 then turns around and takes on characters like the Beyonder, his sorcery and science shouldn't allow him to do things like that yet he does. Unless Blade is taking on Thanos level villains I don't see why he absolutely needs powers. If he's facing barely superhuman characters not much stronger than Cap it's not like he'll die without powers.

    I see the majority of Blade fans here want him with powers tho so it doesn't matter what I think agree to disagree all I'll say is if a character absolutely must have powers that makes them seem less interesting imo. A character should be more than their powers and abilities unless it's a huge part of their character. Obviously Superman needs to be super and Hulk needs to get stronger the madder he gets but will Blade fundamentally change as a person with or without powers?
    No one is saying that Blade is only interesting because of his powers. That is a strawman argument. They're only pointing out that a) him having powers partly explains why he is such a good vampire hunter as he is as strong as them or close and b) there is no reason to take the powers away just because he didn't start out with them.

  3. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Z View Post
    Doom does have superpowers. He's a sorcerer.

    Also, Blade did have powers originally. He was immune to a vampire's bite. The vampire powers did come later after the Snipes movies, but he was never a normal person to begin with.
    A sorcerer, is the Beyonder not way past a mere human sorcerer? Doom fights way above his weight class all the time but nobody says it's unrealistic. Doom's powers are less than the people he regularly fights, just because you have powers doesn't mean you can believably take on every other superpowered character. And I personally don't consider sorcery a power since anyone can do it, you can't learn a power.

    If Bane beat up Superman everyone would rightfully call BS. Bane has super strength but it's nothing compared to Superman's. Same with Doom and the Beyonder.

    His power was immunity to vampire bites? So he was essentially a glass canon who was resistant to vampire bites. What if a super strong vampire punched him in the face? Without enhanced durability how is he surviving that?

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by The True Detective View Post
    A sorcerer, is the Beyonder not way past a mere human sorcerer?
    It's magic. It can pretty much do whatever the plot wants it to do. Dr. Strange takes on gods or godlike enemies all the time.

    His power was immunity to vampire bites? So he was essentially a glass canon who was resistant to vampire bites. What if a super strong vampire punched him in the face? Without enhanced durability how is he surviving that?
    Him being part vampire means we don't have to worry about this question, now don't we?

  5. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Z View Post
    It's magic. It can pretty much do whatever the plot wants it to do. Dr. Strange takes on gods or godlike enemies all the time.

    Him being part vampire means we don't have to worry about this question, now don't we?
    You completely missed the point, if Doom regularly fights and defeats enemies who should easily kill him why is the idea of Blade doing the same so strange to you? The Beyonder >>>>>>>times infinty Dr. Doom, vampire >> Blade with no powers.

    What? You said "also, Blade did have powers originally. He was immune to a vampire's bite" you said nothing of any other powers. Meaning he had no super durability to survive a vampire punch to the face. Even if he has no powers that doesn't change his chances of survival. Glass canons like Cyclops, Storm and others survive falls from great heights and energy blasts, no one cares even if they should be killed seeing as none of their powers involve strength or durability.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by The True Detective View Post
    You completely missed the point, if Doom regularly fights and defeats enemies who should easily kill him why is the idea of Blade doing the same so strange to you? The Beyonder >>>>>>>times infinty Dr. Doom, vampire >> Blade with no powers.

    What? You said "also, Blade did have powers originally. He was immune to a vampire's bite" you said nothing of any other powers. Meaning he had no super durability to survive a vampire punch to the face. Even if he has no powers that doesn't change his chances of survival. Glass canons like Cyclops, Storm and others survive falls from great heights and energy blasts, no one cares even if they should be killed seeing as none of their powers involve strength or durability.
    Doom doesn't regularly fight the Beyonder level foes. When he does fight somebody like the Beyonder, he uses specific scientific devices/magic for the task. And yes, it stretches credibility a bit. Likewise Storm and Cyclops are not shrugging off lethal falls and bullet wounds several times an issue, which again would stretch credibility. And this is part of the point: we are not talking about Blade surviving one blow from a vampire every other issue, Blade fans obviously want him to go toe-to-toe with vamps, trading blows many times an issue, probably every issue. That simply doesn't work if he's just human.

    If you want to do a series where Blade, like Doom fighting the Beyonder, comes up with specific traps and schemes to take down one opponent, then yes, he could work okay as a normal human. But if you want him to regularly take on squads of vampires he really needs the enhanced strength and durability.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by The True Detective View Post
    A sorcerer, is the Beyonder not way past a mere human sorcerer? Doom fights way above his weight class all the time but nobody says it's unrealistic. Doom's powers are less than the people he regularly fights, just because you have powers doesn't mean you can believably take on every other superpowered character. And I personally don't consider sorcery a power since anyone can do it, you can't learn a power.

    If Bane beat up Superman everyone would rightfully call BS. Bane has super strength but it's nothing compared to Superman's. Same with Doom and the Beyonder.

    His power was immunity to vampire bites? So he was essentially a glass canon who was resistant to vampire bites. What if a super strong vampire punched him in the face? Without enhanced durability how is he surviving that?
    That was part of the Tomb of Dracula stories honestly. Blade was regularly getting beaten by stronger vampires.

  8. #68
    BAMF!!!!! KurtW95's Avatar
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    You’ve got plenty of people with no powers in the Avengers. And Blade was pretty much that way a long time and people only relied on making such an argument after the synergy attempts.
    Good Marvel characters- Bring Them Back!!!

  9. #69
    Mighty Member Baron of Faltine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KurtW95 View Post
    You’ve got plenty of people with no powers in the Avengers. And Blade was pretty much that way a long time and people only relied on making such an argument after the synergy attempts.
    The perhaps the synergy worked like a charm. What one had to ask is why it worked so well..
    My personal theory is tha t Blade before the movie was and unpleasant, unlikeable, mostly bland character. He lacked pretty much anything to make stick with the people. This is more important the simple powers( in fiction even non powered characters are de facto powered in way or another to make the survive the good fight believable to some extent...most extreme version of it is Steven seagall, chuck norris or late die hard movies or just all the too fast too furious franchise)
    You have eit have something, anything, to stick with people. Punisher has his ethical complex nature as well as that sense of grittiness and desperation. Like a pulp noir, only more raunchy. You know Frank is an horrible person but he is fascinating. Not so much with pre synergy Blade who was....bland...last time I remembered reading about him was when he essentially attempted mystical genocide turning into a pseudo demo gorgon and dying like a moron, with the restof supernatural and former teammates, mildly mourning his his death and essentially saying "good riddance"<expecially Morbius who is an example of synergy going on the opposite....Will take years before the Morb meme will fade....poor Morbius...).
    Post movie Blade was the coolest, everyone loved him.

  10. #70
    Mighty Member Baron of Faltine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KurtW95 View Post
    You’ve got plenty of people with no powers in the Avengers. And Blade was pretty much that way a long time and people only relied on making such an argument after the synergy attempts.
    Mistake post reply ignore it.

  11. #71
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    Me, personally? I loved the Bart Sears mini that spun out of the Spider-Man issues where he got bite by Morbius. I felt that the MAX series as well as the 12 issue run he had that come out during Civil War ruined the comic Blade, by retconning him being born in the early 1900s.

    I love the Daywalker retcon. The movies (1-2) and the Spike TV show did right by Blade’s origins. Damn shame the comic, the actual source material, can’t get it, or the character right. Even the anime did Blade better.

  12. #72
    Incredible Member LukeCagefan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blanks View Post
    Me, personally? I loved the Bart Sears mini that spun out of the Spider-Man issues where he got bite by Morbius. I felt that the MAX series as well as the 12 issue run he had that come out during Civil War ruined the comic Blade, by retconning him being born in the early 1900s.

    I love the Daywalker retcon. The movies (1-2) and the Spike TV show did right by Blade’s origins. Damn shame the comic, the actual source material, can’t get it, or the character right. Even the anime did Blade better.
    I find that to be the case as well with John Stewart, I'm a comic book guy and I don't like when outside media screws with comic canon continuity but in this case it worked with Blade and Green Lantern (Stewart) and those versions of them gave a great fan base. I do have a soft spot for classic Blade but movie Blade has become iconic in pop culture so I'm not sure if changing him out of his Daywalker look would go over well. I'm down for a synergy though - which another person stated we kinda have already.

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