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  1. #331
    Kinky Lil' Canine Snoop Dogg's Avatar
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    i got wotr #3 but there was no baby GRRRR i am hungry for KIBBLE
    I don't blind date I make the direct market vibrate

  2. #332
    Extraordinary Member Raye's Avatar
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    Yeah, no resurrection in issue 3 but 99% sure it will happen in 4! Thor needs his new arm, and Loki needs to go hang with Wiccan and Hulkling in War Scrolls #2!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosebunse View Post
    What happens definitely needs to be gross.

    And I think you hit on something that I wasn't aware of when you said that I wanted witnesses to what happens. And you're right. No one was there when Loki held the hammer during AXIS, no one was around at the end of AoA when he had his big win, no one was around when he defeated Malekith's assassins. Loki does things in the shadows so often that no one sees when he does something good. So whatever does happen, it needs to be people around, it needs to have an emotional impact on the people around him, or else what is the point? And this means that it needs to look authentic and not like another lie or scheme.

    This means that Loki needs to pay a price that is witnessed and seen and judged by those around him. Is him just saving Freya that? He did garner quite a bit of pity and sympathy, but is that enough? It's not that I want him to suffer forever, just an issue or two. Loki isn't your typical character because he has done so many, many bad things. And he's had his good days, but again, as the last Thor issued showed, it is so easy for him to lie to himself and compartmentalize those misdeeds away.

    Besides, even if he does suffer quite a big next issue, I'm sure he'll get the big win in the end. He sort of has to.

    I think fanservice is an excellent place to start a story, but it needs to be edited and polished. I mean, many writers are some sort of fan and we have certainly seen plenty of stories where fanservice goes terribly wrong-I'm looking at you, X-Office. But I think fanservice is a place to start. A writer should write what they want to write to please themselves, they should write something that they think fans wills dig, but they also need to write something that works.
    People not witnessing what he did before (and Axis doesn't count, because everyone was all opposite. Also Thor witnessed that, even if he won't admit it. And even if others had witnessed it, they would have known he was inverted, so they'd know it didn't reflect who he was normally.) doesn't mean those things didn't matter, they did matter to Loki, and in terms of what he accomplished. It's just that if he is going to make any headway in convincing others that he's trying to be better, he's going to need some evidence of that, given his long history of villainy, and using some rather questionable tactics recently, even if his overall intent may have been good.

    It's not about getting pity and sympathy. That doesn't make up for anything. We don't put people in jail to garner sympathy for them. It's about proving that he's trying to be better, or making up for some of his past misdeeds. So the act of saving Freyja, fighting Malekith, and then getting eaten by Laufey in the process is a redemptive act.... because they are unambiguously good actions that try to make up for some of the bad he's done. Rotting inside his stomach, not so much, that doesn't correct anything. Should he have to pay for the things he's done? sure, but considering all he's done, punishing him to the full extent of his crimes would remove him from the board forever, so it's not really practical to go all out with it, that's just something comics tend to minimize in interest of keeping characters in play. And while being eaten and dying could kinda help there, I still think it's more of a challenge for him to overcome than it is a punishment. His punishment has been more to do with how people perceive him, because that is a direct result of his actions. He's lost everyone's trust because he's been so awful in the past, and since their trust and acceptance (of his family, at least) is something he really wants, then having that deprived to him is a punishment for that behaviour. It may not be physically painful, but it certainly is emotionally painful, and it's been going on for years. Also, him paying for his past misdeeds doesn't have to be resolved during this event, it's not something that one dramatic act will fix. This is something he's going to have to continue to deal with for years to come. Even if he does convince most other characters that he's trying to be better, the scales he has to balance are very heavily weighted, and that will take time, even if people come to accept that he's trying to course correct. He may not have to pay with punishment, but he is going to have to continue to redeem himself for a long time before the scales are balanced. If they can be balanced at all. It's not like he can undo past misdeeds. But trying to at least adds good in a way that simple punishment can not.

    It's the difference between trying to eliminate his past crimes or brush them aside, as he tried to do in AoA, and trying to fix them that's important. AoA... he wasn't a bad guy any more... but he also wasn't really a good guy, because he didn't take responsibility for most of the past things he'd done. It's why I always called him 'Good(ish)'. (Kid Loki being the exception... sort of. he did still have the 'murder weapon' excuse, but that was one of the lies he told himself. and note that in Thor, he didn't pull this excuse any more, he acknowledged it was him. even if he didn't consider Kid Loki's assessment of events since 'fair'.) he brushed all the bad he's done aside as being a different Loki, (lies) but if he takes responsibility for the bad things he's done and tries to make amends for them, then he's moving towards being a good guy for real. And he's started to do this. When he realizes what part he had to play in creating Malekith, he didn't tell Viking Loki 'this is your fault', which is what he would have said during Agent of Asgard, he said 'this is my fault'. So he's taken the first step of accepting responsibility for his past actions. And doing that is going to do a lot more good for everyone involved than just heaping punishment on him. And yeah, him being eaten by Laufey could be seen as a consequence of his actions too because of what viking age Loki did by starting that war. But what is going to accomplish more good now, having him suffer pain because of it, or have him make the decision to take actions to stop Malekith in order to make up for having had a hand in creating this mess?

    (eta - not to be all 'i told you so' but I do have to admit, i find it validating to finally be proven right on this point. I have never bought that Loki bore no responsibility for his actions prior to Siege, that he was somehow a different character before then, so it wasn't his responsibility. That was one of the big debates we had in the old thread, and I've always maintained that i thought he was telling himself comforting lies and excuses to avoid feeling guilt, and that he had to accept responsibility.)

    and fanservice... it can be good, Endgame was full of fanservice. But it's not good by default. It should never get in the way of just telling a good story, telling a good story should always win over fanservice. While Endgame had loads of fanservice, it also wasn't afraid to make some controversial decisions fans of certain characters were probably not going to like, because it served the story better than pandering to the fans whims.
    Last edited by Raye; 05-06-2019 at 09:58 AM.

  3. #333
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    There's new art posted by Patrick Gleason, who's just signed a new exclusive with Marvel, featuring all the heroes and Loki is right in the midst of them but you can't see his hands so mjolnir may be purposefully kept out of view.

    Last edited by rpmaluki; 05-05-2019 at 03:06 PM.

  4. #334
    Amazing Member Regular man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rpmaluki View Post
    There's new art posted by Patrick Gleason, who's just signed a new exclusive with Marvel, featuring all the heroes and Loki is right in the midst of them but you can't see his hands so mjolnir may be purposefully kept out of view.

    from the cover of loki we are all thrilled, but I'm afraid the Mijolnir could be a double-edged sword. It could be a physical sign of how Loki has become a better person, allowing others to give him some confidence, but he won't stay with the hammer forever, and I'm afraid of how he'll lose the hammer. Will he be bad again and he will become unworthy? he dies and loses it? ... with the new status quo I hope they don't ruin everything that Loki has done making it a positive character, I consider Loki a symbol that everyone can become better if they try .... (I'm thinking too much in there)

  5. #335
    Extraordinary Member Raye's Avatar
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    Nice! It's nice to see him among all the heroes, even if he does seem kinda wedged in there (not as much as Blade tho). Even though I know this is just 'hey, these characters have big parts in the books, come check them out!' ok, and some anti-heroes, and Hyperion is..... questionable, given brainwashing, but I assume he will break free along with the rest of the Squadron Supreme at some point. but even with brainwashing they're still more anti-heroes in the Authority vein, even if they come into conflict with the Avengers... but none are flat out villains right now, since Black Cat's doing some big face-turning in Spider-Man right now after that stupid crime lord stint.

    Wish it was a little larger, oh well. I like how everyone's doing their best action pose and Loki's just strolling along in the back. huh, looks like Robbie may really be out of the Ghost Rider game, that's Johnny Blaze. I mean I know he's got a part in Avengers during the whole Mephisto thing, but still. That's a bit sad, if that's the case, I like Robbie. and no Destroyer arm on Thor hopefully just an art oversight.

    As for Mjolnir, it may be that he becomes unworthy again, but that doesn't necessarily make him a villain again. There are LOTS of heroes that can't lift the thing. It's also possible he just gives it back to Thor when Thor is worthy again. I don't think Loki needs it in order to do his thing, he more needs it as a symbol, and that doesn't have to last all that long.
    Last edited by Raye; 05-06-2019 at 05:41 AM.

  6. #336
    Extraordinary Member Raye's Avatar
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    Was going through the old thread (proof I have been consistent: though it seems like it was really more just a couple people, who no longer post here, that were for absolving Loki of responsibility for his pre-Siege days. Still though! called it!)

    and while digging, I came across this panel. I mean I remembered the issue, but had forgotten the exact wording:

    and... Holy foreshadowing! That was FIVE YEARS ago, but could STILL FIT. Now, as I said above, Loki being inverted means the situation was weird, and doesn't quite count as him being good then because of the inversion. And he was worthy, but he was also a total asshole. But the specific reason he was deemed worthy could still count now. See what I said above, about Loki accepting responsibility for his past actions. Now look at that panel. His inverted self accepted blame for his past misdeeds but was trying to be better. That acceptance that he WAS bad but was trying to be better, had genuine intent to do good, is why he was worthy while inverted. When he got un-inverted, he went back to trying to excuse away his past, and he went back to being selfish. Sure, he wasn't trying to hurt anyone, but he wasn't exactly trying to help anyone but himself either.

    And what did he do in his little death experience?:

    He's accepting blame for his past, not trying to excuse it away by saying some other Loki did those things any more. "my fault' vs 'your fault' He did terrible things and he's owning it, just like i've always said he needed to do. Now he's just got to take that and use it to try and better himself and do some good to help counter the bad he's done. bam, worthy. I mean I am sure there is a bit more to it than that, I think a willingness to sacrifice is needed too, (which we already know he has, even if it comes out in some questionable ways) among other things, or more people would be able to lift it, but seems to me, that's the main thing that changed for Loki when inverted. And he's got at least part of that back now.

    But now, with the benefit of hindsight, I am wondering how much of Agent of Asgard was always a giant trick on the readers. DID Aaron actually undo the ending, or was it always that it was never intended to be a real win? Was Ewing intentionally writing to have him lose the whole time, and just made it SEEM like a win in order to get Loki at the place Aaron wanted him? cus... that is potentially some serious foreshadowing for War of the Realms... and WotR plot threads were getting started around this time, it wasn't long after that until Jane picked up the hammer, and that's when Laufey got resurrected, and Malekith really started making his moves. so... (though Malekith himself was brought back even before this, in God of Thunder, and presumably it was for a reason)

    Also duh - KING Loki. You can't have a King Thor and a King Loki at the same time unless they are kings of different places. Asgard and Jotunheim. And we actually did go down that speculation path, but thought at the time it didn't pan out. when there were pages of Loki all injured and after he had been banished in a snowy landscape and Odin made allusions to him being a king... but... it never went anywhere, he never became king of anything.... at the time And let's not forget the 'good for eating' remark fake-Laufey made in Young Avengers. though that one was maybe the inspiration for bringing Laufey back rather than the other way around.

    there was also this:

    and this:

    which at the time seemed like a bit of a joke, and no he wasn't actually worthy then, when Thor and everyone else was trying to guess who was under that helmet, but...

    The more I think back, the more I realize just how much of this was planned out 5 years ago or more. Which in itself isn't surprising. Obviously Aaron brought back Malekith the way he did for a reason, after all. So it's not a surprise that War of the Realms was planned. That much was always obvious. But if he had a plan for WotR, then he likely had it all planned out how it ended, too. But until that cover came out of Loki with Mjolnir, everyone, myself included, just kind of assumed WotR was where THOR would become worthy again, so it was really easy to overlook all the little hints pointing to Loki... And they are really piling up. Loki getting eaten by Laufey and all that flows from that and led into it, it's becoming increasingly obvious that was planned out years ago.
    Last edited by Raye; 05-06-2019 at 06:21 PM.

  7. #337
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    Quote Originally Posted by rpmaluki View Post
    There's new art posted by Patrick Gleason, who's just signed a new exclusive with Marvel, featuring all the heroes and Loki is right in the midst of them but you can't see his hands so mjolnir may be purposefully kept out of view.

    I feel like that new status quo still has a lot to do with Loki finally being accepted along with all the other heroes and this image sells it, though I have to say, it's still just a bit ominous. Of course, there's the very real possibility that Loki was a last minute addition and was Photoshopped in. That seems to happen a lot to Loki when you think about some of the art we've had, especially in the early days when it seemed like Marvel wasn't telling their artists what Loki was supposed to look like until the book was practically on the stands.
    Quote Originally Posted by Raye View Post
    Was going through the old thread (proof I have been consistent: though it seems like it was really more just a couple people, who no longer post here, that were for absolving Loki of responsibility for his pre-Siege days. Still though! called it!)

    and while digging, I came across this panel. I mean I remembered the issue, but had forgotten the exact wording:

    and... Holy foreshadowing! That was FIVE YEARS ago, but could STILL FIT. Now, as I said above, Loki being inverted means the situation was weird, and doesn't quite count as him being good then because of the inversion. And he was worthy, but he was also a total asshole. But the specific reason he was deemed worthy could still count now. See what I said above, about Loki accepting responsibility for his past actions. Now look at that panel. His inverted self accepted blame for his past misdeeds but was trying to be better. That acceptance that he WAS bad but was trying to be better, had genuine intent to do good, is why he was worthy while inverted. When he got un-inverted, he went back to trying to excuse away his past, and he went back to being selfish. Sure, he wasn't trying to hurt anyone, but he wasn't exactly trying to help anyone but himself either.

    And what did he do in his little death experience?:

    He's accepting blame for his past, not trying to excuse it away by saying some other Loki did those things any more. "my fault' vs 'your fault' He did terrible things and he's owning it, just like i've always said he needed to do. Now he's just got to take that and use it to try and better himself and do some good to help counter the bad he's done. bam, worthy. I mean I am sure there is a bit more to it than that, I think a willingness to sacrifice is needed too, (which we already know he has, even if it comes out in some questionable ways) among other things, or more people would be able to lift it, but seems to me, that's the main thing that changed for Loki when inverted. And he's got at least part of that back now.

    But now, with the benefit of hindsight, I am wondering how much of Agent of Asgard was always a giant trick on the readers. DID Aaron actually undo the ending, or was it always that it was never intended to be a real win? Was Ewing intentionally writing to have him lose the whole time, and just made it SEEM like a win in order to get Loki at the place Aaron wanted him? cus... that is potentially some serious foreshadowing for War of the Realms... and WotR plot threads were getting started around this time, it wasn't long after that until Jane picked up the hammer, and that's when Laufey got resurrected, and Malekith really started making his moves. so... (though Malekith himself was brought back even before this, in God of Thunder, and presumably it was for a reason)

    Also duh - KING Loki. You can't have a King Thor and a King Loki at the same time unless they are kings of different places. Asgard and Jotunheim. And we actually did go down that speculation path, but thought at the time it didn't pan out. when there were pages of Loki all injured and after he had been banished in a snowy landscape and Odin made allusions to him being a king... but... it never went anywhere, he never became king of anything.... at the time And let's not forget the 'good for eating' remark fake-Laufey made in Young Avengers. though that one was maybe the inspiration for bringing Laufey back rather than the other way around.

    there was also this:

    and this:

    which at the time seemed like a bit of a joke, and no he wasn't actually worthy then, when Thor and everyone else was trying to guess who was under that helmet, but...

    The more I think back, the more I realize just how much of this was planned out 5 years ago or more. Which in itself isn't surprising. Obviously Aaron brought back Malekith the way he did for a reason, after all. So it's not a surprise that War of the Realms was planned. That much was always obvious. But if he had a plan for WotR, then he likely had it all planned out how it ended, too. But until that cover came out of Loki with Mjolnir, everyone, myself included, just kind of assumed WotR was where THOR would become worthy again, so it was really easy to overlook all the little hints pointing to Loki... And they are really piling up. Loki getting eaten by Laufey and all that flows from that and led into it, it's becoming increasingly obvious that was planned out years ago.
    It seems very likely that Ewing and Aaron were working together. Thor and Agent of Asgard were going on at the same time, the two of them seemed to work well when they did do crossovers together, and it seems pretty clear that Ewing was working closely with Remender for AXIS, especially since the fight in Agent of Asgard and the fight in AXIS are very similar. I remember at the time being sort of intrigued by how prominent Loki was in AXIS...which now seems a rather important detail.

  8. #338
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    At the time, it seemed like Aaron was just kinda staying out of the way of Ewing until he was done, but now, I'm not so sure. the more i think about it, the more it becomes clear that the ending of WotR likely won't work without Loki's involvement, and that he needed to be at a certain place before the event started for that ending to work. I suspect Ewing wasn't like following an exact roadmap, more of 'do whatever you want, just as long as it ends up kinda at this point' but with things like the Tenth Realm and the Axis tie in a bit more tied in. But still, it is seeming like Aaron always wanted Loki at a bit of a low point here, right from the start, because he's had this ending in mind. I think it may have gotten delayed some due to Jane's arc being drawn out, so some of the teases just kind of ended up being forgotten about.

    If i had to guess, it seems to me that how this likely goes down, in a vague sense, since we don't know enough to guess at specifics too much, is that Thor DOES become worthy again, and gets Mjolnir... but then, as is suggested in some solicits, he does something bad in order to win the war, possibly resulting in the death of one or more of the gathered heroes. I don't know exactly what, I suspect either the Naglfar Armada, or something to do with the Venom symbiote. A bad act but with a good intent, ends justifying the means. While I don't think one act could permanently render someone unworthy, (or Loki would never be able to lift it) especially if their intent was good, it may be that as he's doing the thing, he can't lift the hammer. And in order to stop Thor, and prevent his solution from ending up worse than the problem he's trying to fix, someone else has to pick it up to prevent it from getting completely out of control. And that is Loki. As for how Loki knows that he can pick up the hammer, in my head, I'm picturing the old 'pin him to the ground with the hammer' maneuver just prior to the bad thing. Maybe Loki tried to stop him from doing the thing, or Loki was about to to the thing, and Thor tried to stop him by pinning him, figuring he'd prevent Loki from having to be the villain yet again by doing it himself. So Loki's there, pinned, but then realizes he's not actually pinned, he can lift it. So he does, and then they fight, Loki stops Thor from going TOO far, and everything is mostly fine again. And afterwards, Thor may not feel personally worthy even if the hammer allows him to lift it, so lets Loki keep it, at least for a while.

    If I am right about the above, I'm going to 'called it!' so hard.

    anyway, we missed the release of all the Carnageized variant covers, including Loki a week ago:

    also, LOL:

  9. #339
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    I love that Endgame art, from now on, it's my new canon!

  10. #340
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    I'm leaning more towards the venom symbiote scenario. We saw that Malekith absorbed Venom into the Ebony blade (or that's what it seemed like to me)--given the history of the godslayer, this is terrifying. If Thor somehow convinces the symbiote to bond with him and leave the sword, that would deprive Malekith of one of the most potentially devastating weapons in existence (given what we've seen the godslayer do). It's possible Thor goes on a bit of a rampage after that, because Venom. Even if he doesn't, what little I know of the symbiote's personality doesn't exactly strike me as worthy. Thor's next arc could very well deal with him having to fight dark impulses that he's never had to deal with before. Sure he's hot-headed, but that's about as far as it goes. I could very well be speculating too far, however--this is just the scenario I prefer, because it would have most lasting repercussions and I think that story arc could be interesting.

    I'm not sure that him preventing Loki from doing whatever Thor ultimately ends up doing will happen, but I so, so want it to. Especially if Thor figures out what's going on with Loki, I could totally see him doing that. It could also be Loki's willingness to sacrifice essentially his own happiness and mental stability by performing the deed that helps make him worthy (Loki's also fighting dark impulses, so I don't think that alone would make someone unworthy if you do it successfully, but it may be that Thor has trouble with that at first). Lastly, Thor doing such a thing for his brother would also be really sweet.

  11. #341
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    Yeah, while I do think the Naglfar Armada has to be used, it's a massive Chekov's Gun, between what Malekith did last issue and that issue of Thor with Young Thor apparently fighting a symbiote in the distant past, I am leaning towards the bad thing being symbiote related. As I think some more on it, it may be that Loki wants to to the Armada, and Thor does the symbiote thing to stop that? We know Loki was the one who came up with the Naglfar beacon, and intended to use it in the war. Another couple points in favor of the symbiote for Thor is that the solicits did say his decision could leave him 'forever changed'. While it's easy to assume that means something physical, similar to his arm getting lopped off, as you mention, a more mental ore emotional change could also work. Also, Absolute Carnage is starting not long after War of the Realms, and if Thor bonds with a symbiote, that could draw him into that event. Given that Knull is a big part of that, and Knull forged the Necrosword, which was born in the pages of Thor, that would be quite fitting, even though at first thought, Thor in a Carnage event seems a little out of place.

    I do agree that it would be super sweet of Thor to help Loki break the whole villain cycle, and it is possible that maybe after the whole Laufey thing, Loki and Thor get some time to talk and Loki explains what he's going through, but i do think it's a little iffy, it may be a bit too personal for it to become a part of the event. But I wants it.

  12. #342
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    I'm just going to accept that that exact scene has probably happened in the 616 comics and we just never saw it. Also, Dracula is probably there. You can't tell me that man just doesn't have a video game addiction anymore.

    This theory does have me thinking that so long as Loki doesn't become infected by Venom, he'd be one of the few characters who wouldn't be sought after by Carnage and Knull.

    Venom the symbiote is certainly unworthy, especially when you you compare its recent characterization to Loki. Like Loki, it doesn't take responsibility for its actions and its manipulative and abusive attitude towards its hosts. It lies even when it knows that it shouldn't. But it has been trying to be better. But it's also a piece of a primordial elder god of chaos and I'm not sure it's really even fair to expect it to be "good" at all. Of course, you can almost say the same thing about Loki, who is...well, Loki. Not that he is as bad as Venom in many respects. I mean, Venom just is and yet isn't a person as we know it. It is always going to be a part of a greater evil, Loki isn't.

    Unless you accept the theory that at this point, all alternate Lokis are just a part of the greater Loki hivemind.

    So I like the theory that this ends with Thor being tempted to bond with Venom in to try and stop it or to control it to defeat Malekith. If Loki tries and stop him by taking Venom, then it him risking becoming a horrible evil to try and save Thor while also accepting his own weakness and part in this story; Thor will be Thor and stop Loki, like he always does, and that is better than Loki trying to fight fate put himself in a position where he might not be able to be beaten.

    Of course, we know that that is a really sad way to go about thinking about it and that Thor will likely realize just what fate he's subjecting Loki to, which, yeah, would be a really sweet moment. It also sets their relationship to a path of healing, with Thor willing to give Loki a chance and Loki knowing that, no, he isn't destined to become a horrific monster.

  13. #343
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raye View Post
    Yeah, while I do think the Naglfar Armada has to be used, it's a massive Chekov's Gun, between what Malekith did last issue and that issue of Thor with Young Thor apparently fighting a symbiote in the distant past, I am leaning towards the bad thing being symbiote related. As I think some more on it, it may be that Loki wants to to the Armada, and Thor does the symbiote thing to stop that? We know Loki was the one who came up with the Naglfar beacon, and intended to use it in the war. Another couple points in favor of the symbiote for Thor is that the solicits did say his decision could leave him 'forever changed'. While it's easy to assume that means something physical, similar to his arm getting lopped off, as you mention, a more mental ore emotional change could also work. Also, Absolute Carnage is starting not long after War of the Realms, and if Thor bonds with a symbiote, that could draw him into that event. Given that Knull is a big part of that, and Knull forged the Necrosword, which was born in the pages of Thor, that would be quite fitting, even though at first thought, Thor in a Carnage event seems a little out of place.

    I do agree that it would be super sweet of Thor to help Loki break the whole villain cycle, and it is possible that maybe after the whole Laufey thing, Loki and Thor get some time to talk and Loki explains what he's going through, but i do think it's a little iffy, it may be a bit too personal for it to become a part of the event. But I wants it.
    It would also explain where Venom is after WotR, though giving Venom to Thor to keep may be too much. Venom can seemingly spontaneously become pregnant, so maybe it's a baby?

    LOL Probably not, but even being bonded to a crazed Venom for a short time would be pretty traumatic.

    I imagine that Thor's feelings towards Loki have been changing for a while. As you pointed out, he didn't kill him immediately in Hel and to be honest, I'm not sure Thor has had it in him to kill Loki for a while. He still thinks about kidLoki.

  14. #344
    Amazing Member Regular man's Avatar
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    ahhh everyone talking about the symbiote and its possible importance in the plot ... I'm still thinking about how to recover the mijolnir ahahah
    I would like to mention that it is in the heart of the sun, and that Thor has already tried to recover it, but in return Loki is able to enter the sun and go out at leisure, but I do not believe that during the whole war Loki entered the sun to look for a hammer not knowing if he can lift it ... THEN perhaps thor will not have the hammer in his hands in the whole event, in eppisode 5 of WoR in my opinion is when the Mijolnir makes his epic entry (the description of the chapter speaks of something that comes from the sky and on the cover there are lightning bolts) maybe Loki calls the hammer as a joke and then it appears in his hands ahhaha or maybe the Minjolnir arrives alone on earth, the problem is to know how the hell comes out of the sun ...
    Is Verity Willis in the new Loki comic? I think it was one of the best characters created for the story of Loki, she stood out the best side of Loki without betraying the essence of the character.

  15. #345
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    Quote Originally Posted by Regular man View Post
    ahhh everyone talking about the symbiote and its possible importance in the plot ... I'm still thinking about how to recover the mijolnir ahahah
    I would like to mention that it is in the heart of the sun, and that Thor has already tried to recover it, but in return Loki is able to enter the sun and go out at leisure, but I do not believe that during the whole war Loki entered the sun to look for a hammer not knowing if he can lift it ... THEN perhaps thor will not have the hammer in his hands in the whole event, in eppisode 5 of WoR in my opinion is when the Mijolnir makes his epic entry (the description of the chapter speaks of something that comes from the sky and on the cover there are lightning bolts) maybe Loki calls the hammer as a joke and then it appears in his hands ahhaha or maybe the Minjolnir arrives alone on earth, the problem is to know how the hell comes out of the sun ...
    Is Verity Willis in the new Loki comic? I think it was one of the best characters created for the story of Loki, she stood out the best side of Loki without betraying the essence of the character.
    I don't think she is. I love Verity and we need her back. I can sort of see why she hasn't been seen, though, especially if this all was plan. Heck, she might still be dead for all we know.

    Her not being there has forced Loki into even more isolation. He hasn't been allowed a real support system besides those people who might give him a little bit of trust for a minute. There no one there to always give him the benefit of the doubt, he has to find that himself or make plans for it. And the way AoA ended, she could really be dead.

    As for where that hammers comes in, I suspect that Loki might "pray" for it to stop Thor and it comes flying out of the sun to help him.

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