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  1. #616
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Whovian View Post
    I always felt like John would be in his early to mid 30s. But I’m not complaining.

    Have you guys ever wondered why the comic companies don’t have a lot more minority characters? I mean, I get why they didn’t back in the old days, but why not more now? Outside of a handful of characters like Miles Morales, you don’t see a big push from companies to highlight minority characters like they should. It’s ridiculous. Even John has never had his own solo book with the title of Green Lantern. Mosaic was great, but I really want to see John with his own GL book. There’s no reason why DC can’t have more than one GL book. Marvel has three Spider-Man solo books.
    There are way more poc characters in comicbooks,tv,games,etc.. today then ever before.
    Now getting more to have solo books and mini's is different story but that has been happening more so but slowly over the years too.
    Now alot do go into limbo but so do many white,brown,asian characters as well.
    Only certain amount of characters could be given a focus on at a time,and that's all races.
    The trick is for the solo books to get better marketing and folks have to start buying more of them as well.
    So a it's two street way.
    For some folks there has been too much of push of poc(i don't use that word minority,that's just me).
    Anyway you have other comicbook companies like lionforge,valiant,idw etc..with increasing poc characters in america and outside of america.

    DC and Marvel comics are highly diverse.They are more diverse then dc and marvel movies on average.The dc and marvel shows are more diverse then dc and marvel movies too on average.

    The new black female ironman is really called iron-heart by the way.Tony stark is still around.There are alot of black,asian and latino superheroes in dc and marvel comics and other comics in the u.s.

    There are alot of brown and some native american superheroes too in comics.So a lot of poc superheroes are in comics in the u.s. and worldwide like asia, latin america,africa,europe etc..It's growing.

    There are other superhero comics/companies that are from the americas, latin america,africa,native american,arab,asian,europe etc..etc.. as well

    Last edited by mace11; 05-31-2020 at 09:02 AM.

  2. #617
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vampire Savior View Post
    Heheh. Wasn't there a never released Black Lightning comic sometime recently where Black Lightning got shot by the police? And didn't he fight the police in his latest miniseries? I can't remember if he outright fought them or just had a big problem with them. I can't remember because I didn't buy it and only skimmed it pretty quick.

    Either way, it was pretty predictable and standard fare for a DC or Marvel black hero.

    "He's not MY Captain America," and all of that kind of stuff you almost always see in their books.
    I think for certain street heroes that does takes place,but for for all i think.
    For most non street heroes it's even more so.

    For Certain black heroes race will be talked about or mention one way or the other but its not the focus or main focus consistently.
    Of course if it's not talk about or at least mention once in awhile then you have progressives or leftist saying why race is always avoided.
    So it's damned if you do and damned if you don't.

    For dc race issues black lightning stories tend to focus on that the most it seems.
    For marvel it's luke cage and once in while falcon in the past i think and only mention again for falcon when he was captain america and i think only a brief time,but when became the falcon again not mention at all.

    When they have live action shows for brown race types like kamala khan and maybe Jessica cruz i think race and culture maybe touch upon for those two as well.
    For kamala khan it maybe race,religion and culture.
    If not there will be leftist and some in those groups who will say why not.
    Last edited by mace11; 06-01-2020 at 02:10 AM.

  3. #618
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    This some talk i have seen over the recent years by the way.
    by KidStranglehold
    I OFFICIALLY take back everything I said about Marvel's diversity push. With them giving non-white characters titles that use to belong to white characters. For example the Hulk or Iron man. Before I thought it was lazy on Marvel's push when they should be pushing the minority characters they ALREADY HAVE But... JESUS CHRIST..... Reading through Comicvine that site has become the comicbook site for alt righters. I hope Marvel keeps doing what they are doing to make these clowns angry. Who needs readers like them? I'm sorry of this post is dramatic.
    Lastly you can tell its not just about white characters turning non-white. No they just dont wanna see non-white characters at all! With them constantly complaining about the Black Panther film.
    Sutekh quote-
    Indeed, it was the early 'diversity push' that resulted in the creation of characters like Storm and Cyborg that led to the biggest sales numbers seen in my lifetime, and, I'm sure, there was some Archie Bunker-type complaining about why there had to be a black person shoved down their throat on the Teen Titans or X-Men.

    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny View Post
    Sure, MM totally didn't seem like an afterthought, that's why for 50 years he didn't get a single long-lasting standalone book. Compare MM's treatment over the years to the way even the "secondary" original members like Aquaman or Flash have been treated and he starts to looks like an afterthought very fast.
    You're correct about Marvel, as compared to DC's treatment of Cyborg, they absolutely treated minority characters like Sam or Miles much better, but often at the expense of their "classic" characters and alienated lots fans in the process. In any event, Cyborg could "fit" the JL just as good as J'onn did, as long as DC made the effort to do so. It's just a shame they seemingly didn't give it much thought sooner than they did.
    I'm also curious what would happen post-Rebirth. Is Vic still going to be a founding JL member, Wally did remember him when he was trapped in the speed force. If his TT past is restored, would they just put him in the Titans book and bring J'onn back to the JL.
    Quote Originally Posted by BradleyFan
    I prefer Marvel's way to DC's way any day of the week.

    Comic fans will always be upset about something being changed from the status quo. And if you add a nonwhite character to the mix, they'll get even more upset. When Cyborg was first brought onto the Justice League, people said over and over again that his inclusion was "forced" and "stupid" and DC was just trying to be PC, and those were the exact same comments that people said about Miles, and Sam Wilson and and Kamala Kahn, and all the other nonwhite heroes.

    The difference between Cyborg and the others? The others were pushed to the forefront and supported regardless of Comic fans' disapproval. People are going to have a problem with nonwhite heroes, no matter how you introduce them.

    And if you work to ensure that you're customer base is comfortable with these new nonwhite heroes, the property you're trying to support won't get any support at all. Marvel may have alienated some fans, but I like that they're working hard to make their property inclusive.

    Honestly, if those comic fans don't want these minority heroes taking the mantles of established white heroes, they should be the ones buying books like Cyborg...
    Cyborg a-k-a Vic Stone Appreciation
    Last edited by mace11; 05-31-2020 at 08:54 AM.

  4. #619
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    More comics talk for example.

    Quote Originally Posted by nnelg View Post
    It is forced diversity. If Marvel thought Jane Foster, Falcon, X-23, Amadeus Cho, and the new female in Ironman(I do not know her name because I always hated Ironman and don't read the book.) then their solo wouldn't be called Thor, Captain America Wolverine, Hulk and soon to be Ironman. Let's not forget they named Thunderbolt Ross's book Red Hulk. The book probably would've tanked if it was named anything else. Look at all the team books named Avengers. If they weren't named Avengers then they probably wouldn't last a year. Remember New Warriors? Marvel's longest running solos are Thor, Ironman, Captain America, Spider-Man, Hulk and Wolverine. Which means these characters have the largest fan base. So when there are changes to the characters we complain. People remember the clone saga and still talk about how bad it was.

    Quote Originally Posted by penthotal View Post
    Actually, the fact that they choose to use their biggest brands to tell these stories shows how serious they are about it. A Thor or Iron Man book will always sell more than a New Character one, so the run will last longer and more readers will be exposed to the character, helping it acquire a larger fanbase.

    Also, media wouldn't care the same way for New Black / Female Character while they talk extensively about a black Cap or female Thor, this way the 259.700.000 americans that don't read comic books get to know of the existence of these characters, and someone maybe even start buying them. From a commercial and communication point of view it's the most solid plan they could have come up with, and no company is allowed to make their business plans without thinking about economics and communication, it's just how the world works.

    It's not even true they don't believe in original diverse characters, there are pushing a lot of them. Black Panther, Power Man & Iron Fist, Nighthawk, Moongirl and Devil Dinosaur, Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl, Hellcat, Mockingbird etc.

    I think forum readers are a bit exaggerated in their reactions to this matter, honestly.

    So we had a year and half of Sam Cap before having both of them. We will have a couple of years of Jane as Thor before having both of them. Peter and Miles always coexisted and nobody has been left without their favorite hero.

    The same will happen with Tony Stark and Riri. The two Wolverine book have both good sales, while the original Wolverine was burn out as a character and failed three relaunch in a row, when it will come back it will it will probably able to make decent sales again.

    In the long run, Marvel strategy seems to be more sensible than the one proposed by fans and it's not like it will take decades to have both original and legacy characters coexist, we are almost already there. And nobody is forcing anyone, everyone remains free of buying the book they like and ignore the others.
    Quote Originally Posted by nnelg View Post
    It is because it is? That is funny. So its okay to complain about a character being replaced as long as you don't mention the reason for the change? Considering the real problem is with the people complaining about the lack of diversity NOT BUYING the books they claim they want. Guess who are buying Wolverine, Thor, Hulk, Captain America and soon the new Ironman books? The fans of Logan, Thor, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. Where was this support for diversity when Storm, Warmachine! Sif and all of the other "non white males" titles that Marvel kept trying to sell for years? It obviously wasn't there otherwise those books wouldn't have been canceled. How many times did Warmachine get canceled? I guess if Marvel would've renamed him Ironman people would have been on the bandwagon. So if I am to understand you correctly we(fans of Marvels most popular characters) are supposed to prop the diversity agenda up with our wallets but not complain about things we do not like? Have you ever been to a comic shop? If you had you would know the people complaining are the ones buying the books they are complaining about. The only titles that I mentioned that I am not buying are Thor(**** writing) and Ironman(always hated Stark).
    I said it before fans complained when Dick(white) replaced Bruce as Batman. They complained when Eric Masterson(white) replaced Thor. They complained when Bucky(white) replaced Steve as Captain America. Go to a Comic shop an look through the stack of the person complaining the most and loudest. 9 times out of 10 you'll find the books that he/she's complaining about. I stopped complaining about Thor when I stopped buying it. Go look at my post and you will see. I miss reading Thor.I think some Jurgens or Simonson is in order. So get off your high horse everything isn't about race. And there is obviously a diversity agenda. One of the best books Marvel is publishing is Sam Wilson: Captain America. Why can't it be called Falcon? I think it is so they can brag about a male black character in a ongoing. I also think the book wouldn't last a year without the words Captain America on the cover. Oddly enough one of the worst books is Steve Rogers. Nazi-Cap?

    Quote Originally Posted by leo619 View Post
    And that's the entire point, the comic book readers have been having a stranglehold when it comes to minority representation. They were preventing new characters from being given success, which kept the comic book superhero appearing towards one demographic, like it was back to the 1940's.

    So marvel was stuck with a dilemna, have their comic book field continue to look like we were back in the 1940's, or do something about it to reflect modern society. Combine that with the fact that Marvel is making visual media of television and movies, where diversity is not only encourage, but almost expected, and you have the problem that marvel was is.

    So Marvel found a loophole, they realized that legacy diverse characters based off of mainstream franchises has a greater degree of success then new characters, due to the familiarity of the franchise. So Marvel decided to use that loophole, and now we have the greatest degree of diversity in the MU since the MU debuted.

    This not only allows them to reflect the modern world like they want, it allows them to be more future proof as the American demographic landscape continues to shift to a non-white demographic. In the end, it's no different than any other company attempting to adapt to a quickly changing landscape.

    So you can't say it isn't about race, and then say it's a diversity agenda. If it's a diversity agenda then it is about race (not just race but race is included), and if it isn't a diversity agenda then it isn't about race. But you can't have both. It's like saying isn't about race, but it's obviously a Affirmative Action. They are intertwined, and can't be separated.

    With that said, no one is disputing that they are pushing towards diversity. But people want to put a negative spin on it as if only with "diversity" is it an agenda. Everything Marvel created is an Agenda, it's a marketing aspect to reach different audiences as much as possible to guarantee success as a business.

    I put it to you this way, if the MU was created just now, and not in 1940s plus you best believe all the characters would not be looking the way they do now. Why was pretty much all characters white males? Because the demographic of that time was primarily white males with many containing racist attitudes.

    The chance of Captain America being the success he is now if he was created at that time as a non white male would be slim to none. So what did Marvel do? Marvel had an "agenda" the agenda to reach the white demographic.

    So everything marvel does, is pandering. Everything marvel does, is agenda based. They are a business. Period. So to be mad that the current agenda that they have doesn't fully reflect your taste shows the privilege that people enjoy.

    As the common statement goes
    "To those who are privilege, equality starts to look like oppression."
    So as mentioned before, it's perfectly fine to be mad at your character being removed. That's understandable, but to be mad over the fact that Marvel is trying to even the playing field by not having almost all white characters literally dominating the mainstream marvel atmosphere shows it's bigotry.

    by mathew101281
    All superhero comics are pandering on some level, always have been. Pandering is why Batman has like ten books on the shelves at any given time. Pandering is why fishnets are suddenly adequate attire for crime fighting.
    Pandering is how an ordinary human in a flying rodent costume can stand up to gods and demigods on a consistant basis and regularly come out on top. Pandering is why Hulk is a monster, but She-Hulk is a fitness model.
    Last edited by mace11; 05-31-2020 at 08:56 AM.

  5. #620
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyvolt2000 View Post
    Because folks like comicsgate, some store owners and even certain factions of said demographic would take issue.

    Because to some "HUMANIZING a POC is offensive."

    Because some people believe POC is a one size fits all collective.

    To some Miles Morales was not black until Jason Reynolds's New York Times best selling novel came out.
    Luke Cage's show runner Cheo Hodari Coker was ripped for not knowing how to write a black man from Harlem. Never mind Cheo is black.
    Static and Milestone were ripped for not being black enough by Wizard the Guide to Comics.
    Cyborg's last writer wanted to define him as a black man.

    To some a black character is not black unless they have issues with cops, have a messed up home life and other things deemed as black exclusive.

    And some only want that highlight to be when certain topics happen. Like what is happening now. If certain folks were at DC now-I am so SURE a story with some black characters would comment on police brutality and how a virus victims look a certain way.

    When you keep doing that-you ahve folks fear if they see a book with a POC as the lead-they "assume" they are going to get preached to. Or we get stuff like early Wallace West.
    Yeah, everything you said is true. It’s just sad that it is that way. It would be great if DC let John have a solo book though.
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  6. #621
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    If you haven't read it, the Green Lantern/Huckleberry Hound issue is really good.

  7. #622
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    Thanks SecretWarrior!
    “Now faith, hope, and love remain, and the greatest of these is love.”--1 Corinthians 13:13

    “You had a dream; I have a plan”--Cyclops

    “There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.”--The Doctor

  8. #623
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    Michael Jai White wants to play John Stewart
    “Now faith, hope, and love remain, and the greatest of these is love.”--1 Corinthians 13:13

    “You had a dream; I have a plan”--Cyclops

    “There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.”--The Doctor

  9. #624
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Whovian View Post
    Michael Jai White wants to play John Stewart
    He voiced John Stewart in Justice League: Heroes--

    --and Doomsday in JLU

  10. #625
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  12. #627
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    I wonder how many more issues Robert Venditti has before the next writer comes in and take over? The next issue could be the last I think.

  13. #628
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sodam Yat View Post
    I wonder how many more issues Robert Venditti has before the next writer comes in and take over? The next issue could be the last I think.
    Yes, hee's on through to issue 47, then the League heads to space in a story by Si Spurrier--

    And after that they deal with black mercies in a story by Jeff Loveness starting with issue #51.

  14. #629
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    Issue 47 variant by Mikel Janin:

  15. #630
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    You know, I like the core JL comic being just 5 members. It's team size but still few enough characters where each of them gets a chance to shine each issue. I still want John to have a well written solo book, but right now I think he's doing well in the current Run.

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