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  1. #1
    Scarlet Witch~4~LIFE!!^_^ CJStriker's Avatar
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    Wink Scarlet Witch #3 (BREAKDOWN & SPOILERS)!

    The 3rd Issue of Scarlet Witch Written By James Robinson and Drawn by Steve Dillon & Chris Visions Officially Came-Out Today and Like the 1st 2 Issue Threads, here is a Breakdown of the Story and as the Title of the Thread said, SPOILER WARNING!!!






    __________________________________________________ _____________________________

    - We Start Issue #3 in Lagos, Nigeria where we see our Main Villain of the Series Declan Dane, The Emerald Warlock is Torturing and Holding Hostage a Young Man using his powers. Declan goes into a speech that amounts to murdering this man because he is an ancestor of someone who was part of a group who back in 600 AD did something to Declan and Declan has for centuries been hunting down ALL the Lineage of those back from that Time period! He has declared he has killed 10s of 1,000s of People to Achieve this and he has kill Men, Women and even Babies to do so! The Man does this is Cold Blood and in an act of turn Torture he kills the young man by throwing him into the sky cause his Dream was to be a Pilot. Declan Dane is a Sicko!

    - We catch up with our Scarlet Champion Wanda when she Arrives in Dublin Airport in Ireland. She makes comments to Agatha who has tagged along for the ride about how Travel Agencies Advertise Classic Ireland but it is more modern then they adversities
    , a little jab at Advertising Agencies, LOL!

    - Wanda then Precises to explain more into one of her main powers is sensing mystical energies like we have witness in the past issues and Avengers Millennium that a Plague Like Energy from Witchcraft is causing ALL OF IRELAND to Go Sour! Not just Plants and Animals, but the Very Earth to fill with Toxic Gases which is Bringing ALL OF IRELAND into a Dark Age Like Situation, it is Truly becoming a Wasteland if our Wanda does not do something soon!

    - Wanda Senses the Plague is being done on purpose with Tainted Abuses of Witchcraft Magic and it is bringing up Tortured and War Tortured Spirits of the past that are bring the Plague to Ireland. We get images of these Haunting Spirts throughout the issue and they are something Scary and Creepy to Behold!

    - Wanda goes to a local Pub where she says to the own that THIS is where the center of the Plague is coming from! The Pub owner wants nothing to do with Wanda cause of past negative reports about her and hearing about what could be coming from his Pub. But Wanda does not deviate from her quest and pushes on until a Local Elderly Man puts the own down and says Wanda is free to do what she needs to cause she is an Avengers and unless she does the Plague will continue to ruin Ireland!

    - Wanda Concentrates and Cast her Spells, but the Spirts Charge into the Pub and try to stop her, but Wanda is able to shield both herself and the residents of the Pub to Great Effect and Finish the SPELL!!!

    - The Pub is Greatly Damaged but the Spirits are gone and Wanda says she will not know if it truly worked the spell until Morning but she senses that his is not over!

    - She Creates a Spell to bring her to "THE WITCHES' ROAD" Which she believes will bring her to the SOURCE of the Witch Responsible for what has been happening both in Ireland and around the world!

    - The Art is BRILLIANTLY Transitioned into the New Artist to show a New Spiritual Reality that Our Lovely Wanda is in right now and she meets up with a Spirit who is a Witch and she goes by The Name THE SCARLET WITCH!!!

    The End of Issue #3!!!!

    __________________________________________________ _____________________________

    As Always I Greatly enjoyed this issue and Steve Dillon's Artwork Really brings out Ireland and the Feel of the world they are creating in the Irish Country, Locations and People! Declan Dane is becoming a Hardcore Sicko you are loving to see go down, but more interesting in seeing WHY he is on this Dark Quest and WHY he is doing all of this Vendetta to all these innocent people!

    The Story Flows well, Wanda is a Lady of Iron not taking any guff from either Agatha, the Local Pub Owner that does not want her and the Spirits themselves! Wanda is going into an Alice in Wonderland style of her adventure is truly an interesting turn and I am VERY Excited to see who this OTHER Scarlet Witch IS, but I have my Theories on Who it might be! ;-)

    Overall Another Solid Issue, we are getting a MORE Serial Story going along with a Nice Cliffhanger to this issue and I look more forward then EVER towards Issue #4!!!!

    GREAT Worldbuild and Story Building by Robinson, Each issue gets better and better!!!

    Hits Another 5 of 5 Stars Easy!

    Now it is Your Turn, Give us your Opinion on Issue #3 and Please Share and Respect others opinions, Enjoy!
    "By Earth and Sky, By Craft and Hex -- By The Past and The Future – I Call HOPE Forth From The DARKNESS! I Speak The Words We Made Into MAGIC! Let THEIR Power Augment Our OWN! To Strike ONE BLOW From Our HEARTS and SOULS – From ALL THAT WE ARE! Let The CALL Go Forth -- AVENGERS! ASSEMBLE!" Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff ~~ From Avengers #689!

    Come Join and Learn about Wanda Maximoff at: The Scarlet Witch Appreciation Thread 2023!

  2. #2
    Incredible Member
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    To be honest, I wasn't enjoying the issue too much until that last page. Now I'm so hyped for next issue. I can't wait.

  3. #3
    Scarlet Witch~4~LIFE!!^_^ CJStriker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PlanetaryDevastation View Post
    To be honest, I wasn't enjoying the issue too much until that last page. Now I'm so hyped for next issue. I can't wait.
    1st off Very Happy to hear you got the book PlanetaryDevastation, Thanks for being on the Scarlet Witch Solo Pull List Club!!!

    Sorry to hear you did not like the issue until the end, wondering what it is that was turning you off?

    But glad you enjoyed the ending cause the Art I never seen that before, the art just changing like that to FLOW the story, that was BRILLIANT and a great narrative to say a changing world our Wanda is going into, Amazing Job by the Artists and Robinson for his direction on this!!! =)

    As for me I Greatly Enjoyed the whole the issue threw and threw, I liked the world Building of Ireland and with WHY Wanda was their and what she was up against in the War Plague Spirts! What it lead to was a true treat and the 1st real cliffhanger towards what we know how the beginning of the Next Issue will BE!
    "By Earth and Sky, By Craft and Hex -- By The Past and The Future – I Call HOPE Forth From The DARKNESS! I Speak The Words We Made Into MAGIC! Let THEIR Power Augment Our OWN! To Strike ONE BLOW From Our HEARTS and SOULS – From ALL THAT WE ARE! Let The CALL Go Forth -- AVENGERS! ASSEMBLE!" Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff ~~ From Avengers #689!

    Come Join and Learn about Wanda Maximoff at: The Scarlet Witch Appreciation Thread 2023!

  4. #4
    Extraordinary Member Witchfan's Avatar
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    Once again I am disappointed by the lack of a letters page.

  5. #5
    Scarlet Witch~4~LIFE!!^_^ CJStriker's Avatar
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    Hopefully we might have an CBR Open Page of Asking questions to James Robinson and then I, you Witchfan or Any other Fan can ask WHY their is Not a Letter page and if they can include one!
    "By Earth and Sky, By Craft and Hex -- By The Past and The Future – I Call HOPE Forth From The DARKNESS! I Speak The Words We Made Into MAGIC! Let THEIR Power Augment Our OWN! To Strike ONE BLOW From Our HEARTS and SOULS – From ALL THAT WE ARE! Let The CALL Go Forth -- AVENGERS! ASSEMBLE!" Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff ~~ From Avengers #689!

    Come Join and Learn about Wanda Maximoff at: The Scarlet Witch Appreciation Thread 2023!

  6. #6
    Extraordinary Member John Ossie's Avatar
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    I thought the issue was a bit slow at the beginning after the villain killed that guy up to the moment Wanda ''fixed'' Ireland so to speak and of course they had to have the obligatory joke about Irish people drinking of course LOL. It's not that I HATE the joke, it just felt lazy and slightly stereotypical to me but there you go LOL

    Now I've got the ''cons'' out of the way so to speak, here's my ''pros'' LOL

    - Art work. Really enjoyed the art work in this.
    - Banter between Agatha and Wanda was funny. And I liked the bit where the pub owner was like ''who's she talking to?'' LOL
    - The villain looks like a legitimate threat for Wanda.
    - Witch's Road part has me excited for next issue.
    - The ongoing ''magic is broken'' theme seems to be building to something and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes.

    So overall I give the issue a 9 out of 10 personally speaking. another good issue.

  7. #7
    Scarlet Witch~4~LIFE!!^_^ CJStriker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Ossie View Post
    I thought the issue was a bit slow at the beginning after the villain killed that guy up to the moment Wanda ''fixed'' Ireland so to speak and of course they had to have the obligatory joke about Irish people drinking of course LOL. It's not that I HATE the joke, it just felt lazy and slightly stereotypical to me but there you go LOL
    Indeed we had a lot of backstory and setting up in the book, lots of world building dialogue, did get length at times indeed. The best part about it as you said was the Banter between Wanda and Agatha which made it fun to read LOL, good to seem them supporting each other again!

    But indeed the coming to Ireland was Lengthy.

    Indeed the Irish Drinking Joke was obligatory, but what's good about it was the Agatha was the one that was hitting at it and more and Wanda Gracefully and Cleverly said For Shame on Agatha, Well Done Wanda for sticking-up for Ireland!

    Now I've got the ''cons'' out of the way so to speak, here's my ''pros'' LOL

    - Art work. Really enjoyed the art work in this.
    That Artist on each of these issues Compliment the Themes and the Lands that Wanda is Visiting so Well Indeed! Robinson had ALL this planned out to make his story flow like this and IMO it has been BRILLIANTLY DONE! ;-)

    - Banter between Agatha and Wanda was funny. And I liked the bit where the pub owner was like ''who's she talking to?'' LOL
    - The villain looks like a legitimate threat for Wanda.
    As I said before the Banter is what held the opening act in Ireland the most together! The Villain Declan Dane is a Very Ancient, Smart, Cold Blooded, Mass Murdering Sicko that really brings allot to the Table indeed. He is a Big threat to both Wanda and would be to the Avengers themselves! Wanda has her skills cut out for her indeed!

    - Witch's Road part has me excited for next issue.
    THAT is one of the Best Transitions in a Story I have seen in a Long-Time and a Great cliffhanger! The Artwork Change was BRILLIANT, really made it into a Whole New Reality, WELL Done Execution in both Planning by Robinson and the Artist! =)

    - The ongoing ''magic is broken'' theme seems to be building to something and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes.

    So overall I give the issue a 9 out of 10 personally speaking. another good issue.
    Very, Very Happy you Liked the Issue John Ossie and Gave it a Grand Score! =)

    As for Magic is Broken, YEA, I feeling this might be building to a Major Mini-Event for Marvel! From Dr. Strange, to Hercules and Now Scarlet Witch Magic is not only being Nerfed Down to make it less powerful, but at a cost and that SOMETHING on a few major fronts is at war with both Magic and the Old Worlds of Mythos!
    "By Earth and Sky, By Craft and Hex -- By The Past and The Future – I Call HOPE Forth From The DARKNESS! I Speak The Words We Made Into MAGIC! Let THEIR Power Augment Our OWN! To Strike ONE BLOW From Our HEARTS and SOULS – From ALL THAT WE ARE! Let The CALL Go Forth -- AVENGERS! ASSEMBLE!" Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff ~~ From Avengers #689!

    Come Join and Learn about Wanda Maximoff at: The Scarlet Witch Appreciation Thread 2023!

  8. #8
    Extraordinary Member John Ossie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CJStriker View Post
    Indeed we had a lot of backstory and setting up in the book, lots of world building dialogue, did get length at times indeed. The best part about it as you said was the Banter between Wanda and Agatha which made it fun to read LOL, good to seem them supporting each other again!

    But indeed the coming to Ireland was Lengthy.

    Indeed the Irish Drinking Joke was obligatory, but what's good about it was the Agatha was the one that was hitting at it and more and Wanda Gracefully and Cleverly said For Shame on Agatha, Well Done Wanda for sticking-up for Ireland!

    That Artist on each of these issues Compliment the Themes and the Lands that Wanda is Visiting so Well Indeed! Robinson had ALL this planned out to make his story flow like this and IMO it has been BRILLIANTLY DONE! ;-)

    As I said before the Banter is what held the opening act in Ireland the most together! The Villain Declan Dane is a Very Ancient, Smart, Cold Blooded, Mass Murdering Sicko that really brings allot to the Table indeed. He is a Big threat to both Wanda and would be to the Avengers themselves! Wanda has her skills cut out for her indeed!

    THAT is one of the Best Transitions in a Story I have seen in a Long-Time and a Great cliffhanger! The Artwork Change was BRILLIANT, really made it into a Whole New Reality, WELL Done Execution in both Planning by Robinson and the Artist! =)

    Very, Very Happy you Liked the Issue John Ossie and Gave it a Grand Score! =)

    As for Magic is Broken, YEA, I feeling this might be building to a Major Mini-Event for Marvel! From Dr. Strange, to Hercules and Now Scarlet Witch Magic is not only being Nerfed Down to make it less powerful, but at a cost and that SOMETHING on a few major fronts is at war with both Magic and the Old Worlds of Mythos!
    Yeah I don't read Dr. Strange or Hercules but from what I'm hearing they're doing the ''magic is broken'' theme to so I do agree that they seem to be building to a mini-event with it. Hopefully I'll enjoy that if/when it happens (Smiley face)

    Also, thank you for reminding me his name. My mind went completely blank when I was writing my original post as to what his name was LOL. And yes it was good to see Wanda do the ''For Shame'' bit.

  9. #9
    Scarlet Witch~4~LIFE!!^_^ CJStriker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Ossie View Post
    Yeah I don't read Dr. Strange or Hercules but from what I'm hearing they're doing the ''magic is broken'' theme to so I do agree that they seem to be building to a mini-event with it. Hopefully I'll enjoy that if/when it happens (Smiley face)

    Also, thank you for reminding me his name. My mind went completely blank when I was writing my original post as to what his name was LOL. And yes it was good to see Wanda do the ''For Shame'' bit.
    Indeed John Ossie, the Banter is a key element of strength to the Solo, seeing both of these ladies that have had such a long Student and Teacher bond NOW with Wanda calling the shots and being near equal to Agatha in how she talks with her is a thing of Beauty to Read and Witness!

    While I know to that the both the Magic and Old Worlds are broken theme in many Marvel books are both different, they also seem connect somehow towards something BIGGER I think Marvel might be planning for the worlds of Marvel Magic!
    "By Earth and Sky, By Craft and Hex -- By The Past and The Future – I Call HOPE Forth From The DARKNESS! I Speak The Words We Made Into MAGIC! Let THEIR Power Augment Our OWN! To Strike ONE BLOW From Our HEARTS and SOULS – From ALL THAT WE ARE! Let The CALL Go Forth -- AVENGERS! ASSEMBLE!" Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff ~~ From Avengers #689!

    Come Join and Learn about Wanda Maximoff at: The Scarlet Witch Appreciation Thread 2023!

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