Welcome to the new *AOM Draft!

(*The new AOM official name to be determined, vote in the poll above)
We are relaunching, rebooting, rebirth-ing if you will...this staple of the CBR Marvel Forums. It is AOM anew...

The format for titles is seen here:
Supporting Cast:

The order of the title selection draft is as follows: (The title draft order of round 1 was randomly selected by random.org, round 2 is the reverse order of that )
1. Marvell2100
2. Exciter
3. Global Honored
4. nX01a
5. Baneofkings
6. Personamanx
7. Lee Stone
8. CaptCleghorn
9. CaptCleghorn
10. Lee Stone
11. Personamanx
12. Baneofkings
13. nX01a
14. Global Honored
15. Exciter
16. Marvell2100

So please, in that order, post in this thread and tell us (A) The Name of your Title; (B) whether it is a solo series or team book and; (C) The Main character or Team Leader /First Team Member (if it is a team book obviously) until we have filled in that initial data for all the titles.

After we have filled in the initial 16 titles with the name of the series and the main character of each series, then we will use this thread to begin "drafting" the rest of our rosters, there will be no order for the remainder of the draft. This is how the remaining roster draft will work:

For solo titles, you will be allotted 11 additional roster spots for supporting characters and antagonists, divide those up as you see fit. When selecting, please indicate if that character is a supporting character or an antagonist. You do not have to use all the allotted spots but it may be wise to do so for personal relationship characters, the Aunt Mays of the world for example.

For team titles, you will be allotted 12 additional roster spots to be used for your main team, supporting cast and antagonists so divide those as you see fit. When selecting please indicate whether the selected character is intended to be a main team member, a supporting cast member or an antagonist. Again, not all roster spots need to be filled if you choose not to, but it may be in your interest to do so.

Team Roster Example: (Just an example of what a filled in title might look like)
Title: The Stupendous Scavengers
Plotter: Global Bothered
Writer: Brian Bendis
Artist: Greg Land
Location: Bermuda Triangle
Concept: If you lost your supery things, these guys probably snatched them. It's a contest. And they talk a lot and make "o" faces.
1. Wolverine
2. Jessica Jones
3. Luke Cage
4. Strong Guy
5. Spider Woman (Jessica Drew)
6. Silver Sable
Supporting: (2) Rick Jones, John the Skrull
Antagonists: (5) Batroc, The Skrulls, The Beyonder, Oddball, Blastaar

Note: Once a character is selected, that character is off the board meaning a character will be limited to one title for this initial launch. This will help keep tighter, easier to navigate continuity at the start. (We ran in to some issues in first AOM due to same characters spread over multiple unrelated books, that ended up leading to confusion and conflict) Please be mindful to select characters that you value, would have plans for and use and work for your title(s) not simply based on star power as once you select a character, they are off the board for anyone else who may have had ideas for them.

In addition to characters, you can at any time use a draft pick for the writer or artist of your choice that will be used for your title as we will also be drafting creative teams in this roster fulfillment draft. Unlike in previous AOMs, these creators (at least at initial launch) will be limited to one title only. So if you have a creator you really want to use, you may want to choose them early or risk missing out to another book.

Each plotter will be allowed to make 2 draft picks per day per title. So if you are plotting one book, you can make 2 picks each day. If you are plotting 2 titles, you will have 4 total picks each day, 2 per book you are plotting for.

Each plotter is allowed and encouraged to make one selection each day between midnight and noon EST (UTC-5) and a second selection (or both selections if you did not make one before noon) between noon-midnight EST (UTC-5)

If during this process, a new CBR member wishes to join in and participate, we may call for a pause to allow them to make their initial title name and main character selection, allowing them to start picking at that point along with the rest of us.

In the post immediately below, I will update the full title list as it is selected, as timely as I can. I will also be keeping a rolling list of drafted characters and creators in the post below that, again updating as often and as best I can. This should help us keep track of at least who has been selected and who is no longer available to pick, and will help us find where characters landed, which title and plotter has "ownership" of them, etc.

The Location and Concept information can be filled in at anytime, no draft pick needed. Please make it informative and succinct, sell the theme/concept of the book in as few words as possible.

Thanks to all for participating in this, here's to a fun and fruitful draft. The new AOM is being built right here, right now!

You may also use this thread to ask questions or PM me directly if you prefer.