Steve Rogers returns to the pages of The Avengers to do what he does best...rally an ad hoc team of Avenges past, present, and spinoff to fend off against invading vampires.

Jed has a good handle on Steve. A man who is as much a Superhero as a soldier, an idealist and a practical fighter, and a man who when the chips are down always comes through. It makes me wish Jed could write Steve more, but that's what this arc is for.

Hercules! As much fun and roaring energy as ever. And finally looking like himself again compared to his Guardians look.

I feel like the weakest writing of this team was Kate. She came off really generically and didn't sound like herself. You could have replaced her with Clint and it would've felt the same.

I almost feel bad for Pietro that he still views Magneto as a father figure despite everything and the only person in his family who still likes him is Wanda. And his priority is always saving Wanda.

Hazmat looks good without her helmet and she was a lot of fun here. I feel like Jed had a better handle on her voice and sass than he did Kate's.

Vampire nazi's? Of course it has to be Baron Blood. Though now I half wonder if Jed is auditioning to write the next Captain America run after JMS.
end of spoilers