Quote Originally Posted by Waking Replica View Post
Teddy's ally cover is with Hulk... Not too happy about that, but oh well, at least he's somewhere! Too bad they couldn't add Billy considering they added Loki to Angela's cover with Wanda.

See, I wouldn't mind this if it was actually for a story where Teddy and Bruce team up, but considering this is purely a cover for show... yeah, it feels pretty pointless. It could even feel more meaningful if they had explored Teddy being a Hulk fanboy in his early YA days, but that never even came up after the first issue or so. It just feels like two random characters standing next to each other for no reason. lol

Quote Originally Posted by Digifiend View Post
For some reason Scarlet Witch got Angela and Thor got Hercules, despite Angela being a Thor adjacent character. Can't help thinking Scarlet Witch could've had Wiccan, Thor could've had Angela, and Hercules should've been on Avengers, given he's currently in that book?
This is so weird. It's like they went out of their way to not include Billy on any cover, when he's always a staple on Pride covers... But it's ok. He's the one who's appearing in the MCU this year, so I'm sure he'll get the mandatory synergy spotlight sooner or later in the comics.

Quote Originally Posted by Waking Replica View Post
They had a jokey kinda panel a while ago where Hulk asked him if he was Gamma irradiated and Teddy said no, so he told him not to do Gamma or something along those lines (sorta parodying a don't do drugs psa).
Yep. It's kinda funny how the only interaction between them was basically a reminder that they're actually nothing alike. It's like the worst legacy name connection ever. lol