Quote Originally Posted by SuperCrab View Post
I don't think it's childish at all. It would be childish if there was a separate book featuring the new52 Superman without a superhero son that I could enjoy, and I was just trying to rain on the parade of others who had their own separate book suiting their preferences. However, since DC Comics has decided that, like Highlander, there can only be one, and who that one is depends partly on sales, I am hoping that the vision I don't like fails so that the vision that I do like, or an all-new vision I might like better than the new status quo, will be given a chance.

Now, with all due respect, *that* seemed childish.

Interesting that supporters of a 10-year old superhero are tagging those who don't like him as childish.

It is childish, hoping for something to fail because you dont like it is very crude, self-absorbed and childish.

I mean for example, I don't care for The Walking Dead TV show. But do I want it to fail just because I dont like it? No. Thousands of people do like it and me wanting it to die because I dont like it would be silly.