Quote Originally Posted by Revolutionary_Jack View Post
I agree with most of your post, but in this case I think Rocksteady should be cut some slack.

Their Suicide Squad game is going to be a proper Next-Gen title, i.e. it's made for PC, PS5, and the new version of Xbox. Compare that to Gotham Knights which will be ported on PS4 and XBONE. What that means is that Gotham Knights is still current-gen, and iterating on the assets of Arkham Knight whereas Rocksteady are the ones who are taking advantages of the new hardware and tech to go all out.

A new console shift will always be hard at first and it needs longer time to get right. Plus I think the PC port could use the extended lead time after the fiasco with their previous release.

Above that...Rocksteady's Suicide Squad is a new IP, and is set in a new city, so that means that they had to go to the drawing board to dream it up. For instance in the trailer of Suicide Squad, it's all set in broad daylight and bright sunshine...whereas the Arkham games are famously all set at night (with the exception of one of the AK DLC where you play as Nightwing). So basically that's a lot of work to think about lighting, costumes, colors, sets, and levels and so on. Also they need to think of the new technology and what it can bring to the table because Rocksteady games are expected to be the ones who set the bar (Arkham Knight for instance when it came out was among the first games to show what the PS4 could really do...no loading screens when you enter and exit from interiors to exteriors for instance).
I get that, but that still feels like an excuse. I don't mind 2022; I just mind showing me a cinematic trailer and no gameplay, and then telling me "Oh, it's coming in 2 years." Really? They may as well have waited until it was closer to being done.