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  1. #1
    Incredible Member
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    Default Introduce the X-Men to the MCU

    How would you introduce the X-Men to the mcu and what would you base them off of including story and characters? You can be as detailed as you want and even go into casting

    For me first off the explanation for mutants. I’ve come up with 3 ideas to introduce the X-Men

    1. When Thanos used the infinity stones it created a ripple in time that lead to early Homo sapiens to develop the X gene that would be mostly dormant. I know some people may say this technically makes the mutants a creation rather than a natural progression but honestly given this wibbly wobbly timey wimey nonsense mutants would be technically seen as natural since they “always” existed and such

    2. Mutants had been hiding in Krakoa but Krakoa is dying and as such Xavier and Lensherr to believe it is time for mutants to integrate with humans leading to the schism

    3. The X gene goes through cycles of dormancy and booms and the early 21st century saw the biggest boom in mutants meaning powers are only now manifesting

    As for the team itself I actually think a good idea would be to focus more on the school aspect and be a mix of Lee-Kirby and Ultimate X-Men. I like the idea of having another group of teen heroes like Spider-Man is now and honestly the school stuff was basically nonexistent in Apocalypse and the original trilogy. Sure First Class went into it but the focus was more on Xavier and Magneto instead of the X-Men.

    For the team lineup I’d personally like to see the original 5 plus maybe Storm and Colossus and the first villain be magneto. Like I said the explanation could be similar to 1610 where Xavier and Magneto have their mutant society hidden away on Krakoa or Savage Island or where ever and eventually they split. I know it might be kinda lame to see magento as the villain again but he’s an easy introduction to the mutant mythos. I do hope the mcu can use other x men villains like Mr Sinister later down the line

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dboi2001 View Post
    How would you introduce the X-Men to the mcu and what would you base them off of including story and characters? You can be as detailed as you want and even go into casting

    For me first off the explanation for mutants. I’ve come up with 3 ideas to introduce the X-Men

    1. When Thanos used the infinity stones it created a ripple in time that lead to early Homo sapiens to develop the X gene that would be mostly dormant. I know some people may say this technically makes the mutants a creation rather than a natural progression but honestly given this wibbly wobbly timey wimey nonsense mutants would be technically seen as natural since they “always” existed and such

    2. Mutants had been hiding in Krakoa but Krakoa is dying and as such Xavier and Lensherr to believe it is time for mutants to integrate with humans leading to the schism

    3. The X gene goes through cycles of dormancy and booms and the early 21st century saw the biggest boom in mutants meaning powers are only now manifesting

    As for the team itself I actually think a good idea would be to focus more on the school aspect and be a mix of Lee-Kirby and Ultimate X-Men. I like the idea of having another group of teen heroes like Spider-Man is now and honestly the school stuff was basically nonexistent in Apocalypse and the original trilogy. Sure First Class went into it but the focus was more on Xavier and Magneto instead of the X-Men.

    For the team lineup I’d personally like to see the original 5 plus maybe Storm and Colossus and the first villain be magneto. Like I said the explanation could be similar to 1610 where Xavier and Magneto have their mutant society hidden away on Krakoa or Savage Island or where ever and eventually they split. I know it might be kinda lame to see magento as the villain again but he’s an easy introduction to the mutant mythos. I do hope the mcu can use other x men villains like Mr Sinister later down the line
    Whatever core group of mutants they focus on it should be in the context of Krakoa. Notice how Disney was very careful is making huge differences in their team franchises. Avengers are the Earth bound heroes. Guardians are space adventures.

    The Fox X-Men would seem like mutant Avengers, as would anything having be regular superheroes operaring out of the school.

    Magneto has been run into the ground by Fox as a villain. No Xavier/Xavier split.

    But basically I like your ideas.

  3. #3
    Astonishing Member gonnagiveittoya's Avatar
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    Maybe they'll connect the mutants to the Eternals?

  4. #4
    Astonishing Member mugiwara's Avatar
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    I feel there was already a thread about that, but myabe it's closed.

    My answer is still the same: give the classic X-Men the Pym/VanDyne treatment: they used to be, now they are either retired or MIA.

    Xavier vs Magneto, Not New Not Different X-Men vs Brotherhood: all that happened off screen during last century.
    It all ended with all mutants genes, all memories and traces of mutants erased by (pick one) Legion / Dark Phoenix / M'kraan Crystal / Onslaught / Proteus / Mad Jim Jaspers
    Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm, Rogue, Beast, Magneto, Xavier, Mystique: all either dead or depowered

    Today: a baby who will later be named Hope Summers is born
    Her birth undo the "no more mutants". Those who were depowered don't get their powers back, but somewhere in Vietnam, somewhere in Kentucky, somewhere in Brasil, etc, teenagers suddenly get super powers. They are recruited by two time travelers: one who came from the future, Cable, and one who escaped the purge from the past: Magik. Their mission: find the mutant messiah before anti-mutant bigots find her.
    Because people also got back their memories of the mutants. And because of that large scale memory/reality manipulation, humans fear mutants more than ever did and some would do anything to get rid of what they believe threatens them.

    We get a first trilogy movies about the New Mutants, then progressively introduce X-Force, Generation X, the New X-Men... I feel that X-Factor would work better as a TV series.
    Bringing back the old, killing the young: that's the Marvel way

  5. #5


    I had already many ideas also similar to many theories online on how the mutants could exist...the snap activated the gente? the eternals created them? The Qauntum realm leaks and mutates normal humans? They were hiding in Krakoa all along protected by Cerebro?

    I don't care...just make it seem logical and cool.

    Mutants I want to have the spotlight and accurate costumes and characterization:
    Rogue, Storm, Gambit, Betsy, Iceman and ok...Cyclops.
    Last edited by MentalManipulator; 09-29-2020 at 11:01 AM.
    A picture would last longer darling...

  6. #6
    Mighty Member
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    Scarlett Witch will say “more mutants”

  7. #7
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    Save choice would likely be to just have them in their own universe and plant some seeds for a multiversal crossover down the line.

    Disney will likely want to get the whole thing off the ground quickly to sell merch, instead of having to come up with an overly elaborate plan or some complex stories that required 50 years of continuity to be set up in the comics.
    Last edited by Grunty; 09-29-2020 at 10:33 AM.

  8. #8
    Astonishing Member gonnagiveittoya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gripstir View Post
    Scarlett Witch will say “more mutants”
    I feel it'd undercut the idea of the mutants being the next step in evolution if they're all created by Wanda.

    If I were doing it: X-Men and Magneto secretly battled in the 80s unknown to the public, but mutually agreed to ceasefire/go separate ways to avoid exposure and backlash against mutantkind. A big incident exposes mutants to the world, and Xavier needs to reform/rebuild a new team.

    Eventually thisll probably lead to a very loose adaptation of Krakoa/Hickmans stuff (the same with most of the MCU adaptations of Hickmans stuff), with Krakoa probably being less aggressive and maybe no resurrection (since unlike the comics the constant death/rebirth arc trope isn't as much of a thing, since characters can permanently die when the actor leaves)
    Last edited by gonnagiveittoya; 09-29-2020 at 09:55 AM.

  9. #9
    Fantastic Member Nopozyzy's Avatar
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    Flashback to Strucker controlled Scarlett Witch saying "No More Mutants," erasing them from existing and even the memory of them. Present day SW brings them back.

    Or Xavier was keeping the X-Men hidden like an overprotective mother hen until they finally become superheroes. Focus on mutants that haven't been used much like Bishop, Polaris, Jubilee, Warpath, Chamber, Dazzler, etc. Have the story focus on Sinister and Gambit.

  10. #10
    Incredible Member ClanAskani's Avatar
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    The line from New Mutants which was used in every single tv spot was "mutants are dangerous". I don't think this was random. There's a certain level of basic information the audience needs to understand and I think this is one of the key points about what are mutants and what makes them different than other superheroes.

    Spider-man may be seen as a menace or blamed for destruction in London, but not due to his powers but due to Stark technology. His powers aren't threatening. So, the way I'd introduce mutant is as a threat to the Avengers and with Rogue versus Captain Marvel. Rather than introducing the X-Men first, I'd introduce the Brotherhood first with Deadpool as a member.

    As a result of various alternate universe happenings in Dr Strange 2, there's some event which brings characters from the Fox-verse like Deadpool but the idea that mutants have always existed but the mutations are becoming more common after the snap and mutations are creating even greater powers.

    The Avengers being tasked with taking out the mutant threat seems fairly straightforward - mutants are dangerous and threats to humanity and their battles with the Brotherhood confirm that. Even if mutants are only children, when their powers emerge, they might kill everyone around them. But then when they find some of the younger characters (the kids from New Mutants could work here, or X-23) and they facilitate them going into hiding to prevent them from being labeled as dangerous mutants who need to be isolated from society.

  11. #11
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    I’m sorry but I hate the idea to have the classic X Men be sidelined like Hank and Janet. The ant man movies are fine but I hate the mcu for not only sidelining Hank and Janet but making them incredibly uninteresting and bland. I definitely do not want this

    Though if I’m honest I’d just reboot the mcu at this point since we won’t see the X-men and fantastic four interacting with the classic iconic avengers and other marvel heroes. I know it won’t happen but I also feel there isn’t much point to the mcu now

  12. #12
    Invincible Member Havok83's Avatar
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    oh god, not another one of these threads

  13. #13
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    Use Deadpool and Cable. Establish that Cable's bodysliding has had impacts throughout the timeline.

    In fact, the beginning of Deadpool and Cable has no connection to the MCU to start with. They go on a time-travel adventure (maybe picking up characters like X-23 and Magik and any other bits and pieces Disney wants to reuse on the way). And when they return again, they discover that the world has changed when they pop up in New York...

    Deadpool, Cable, and their team pop up in the middle of a New York city street. Pedestrians scatter, and the group looks around in confusion.

    Wade: What the <beep>? Where the <beep> are we. And what the <beep> is that noise?

    Laura: *confused* What noise?

    Wade: What <beep>ing noise do you <beep>ing think, Girlverine! <Long string of beeps while Wade tests the censors> Damn. These guys are good. Now where are we?

    Cable: *Concerned* Huh. New York City... *checks his bodyslide device* Right when we left.

    Wade: Oh yeah? Then what do you call that? *Points dramatically*

    Camera angles on Avengers Tower before cut to black

  14. #14
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    1st movie: Bishop and GAmbit.
    the boys get together. Bishop works for the government , his direct commander is Pierce who is part cyborg. yet Bishop ditches them when he realizes the government just wants to use Bishop as a weapon to destroy people like gambit. The government has found out that there are mutants out there ( about a 2 hundred at most) The two boys defeat Pierce and his cyborgs and also defeat Candra and the assassins guild from whatever they are doing to gambit and the thieves guild( it turns out they are looking for mutants to strengthen their assassin guild and where trying to force gambit to join under thread of destroying the thieves guild) Extra credit : Selene gets introduced as Candra's master.

    2nd Movie: Psylocke.
    Half English and Half Korean. She was kidnapped at a young age and raised to be an assassin for Shinobi Shaw and the Hand. Her next target Warren Worthington. She deflects and off course defeats the hand and shinobi that come after her One of the is the Silver Samurai . Warren helps, but turns into archangel and disappears. Psylocke wants to find her original parents. But they seemed to have dissapeared just like half of the human race. Extra credit: Shinobi Shaw contacts his father Sebastian Shaw to say he failed. Sebastian is in the same room as ... duh duh duuuh Selene!

    3rd movie: Wolverine
    He is a drifter with very few memories. He drifts into New York and decides to help a nurse that is being attacked by thugs. It turns out the nurse is Cecilia Reyes. She can handle herself. The two bond, but the tugs turn out to be hellfire club goons and Emma Frost, their boss, is not happy. She calls on Sinister and he decides that it is time for his team the marauders to show themselves to the world and he sicks them on Wolverine and Cecilia. The marauders are not the marauders we know from the comics, but strange mutilated versions of clones of Sinister with different powers. Wolverine and Cecilia defeat them and escape. Emma throws a few psychic punches as well and instead of hurting Wolverine, She sort of gives his brain a jolt that he needed. He is remembers enough now and now he feels more whole and pissed!! Emma just retreats.
    Extra credit: The whole hellfire club is now together talking about what to do now. It's Sinister, Shaw, Emma, Selene and we also see Pierce and Trevor Fitzroy. Extra Extra Credit: Bishop and Gambit are on Scotland to check in on a rumor of strange activity, they turn a corner and run into Psylocke. They get ready to fight each other.... end credits.

    4th movie: The X-men
    Wolverine knows something is up with Emma and Sinister and doesn't want to let them go , He and Cecelia decide to investigate and go back to New York and try to infiltrate the Hellfire club. Psylocke and Gambit and Bishop somehow also end up there by following shinobi Shaw ( because they want to help Psylocke find info on her real parents). The hellfire club unleashes traps on both groups and they all get captured. In their escape they free Warpath from an hellfire dungeon ( Sinister has killed his brother and used his body to recreate the Sinister marauders). The X-men now fight their way out through Pierce and his cyborg crew, Sinisters upgraded marauders and an army of Hellfire goons and hand assassins. The x-men catch a break as one of the hell fire guests helps them with a helicopter ride out. Its Monet St.Crois father and it turns out he was there to ask the hellfire for aide with his daughter. Monet has turned into a monster. The x-men decide to help him back. they arrive at the St. Crois house. There the combined help of Wolverines blood. Cecilia's medical knowledge, Psylockes psych powers, turn Monet back to Monet. And now the team is almost complete. Warpath brings them all to Forge !!in Dallas to get all the info he and his brother already had and Monet decides to come along. And Forge now fills them in on what the Hellfire club is doing. They are trying to find twelve mutants to offer to a mutant god and unleash Apocalypse out of his prison. Sinister is created by apocalypse. Selene was an Apocalypse general and Emma, Trevor and both Shaws are Mutants. both Selene and Sinister have manipulated those hellfire lords to help wake apocalypse. (they had angel and sinister experimented on him but Angel escaped and Candra is one of the original minions of Selene and thus in on their scam) Forge knows because besides being a techno path he also has visions!!. However with so many mutants in one place the x-men are now target number one And before you know it the Hellfire crashes their party. This time the hellfire lords join the fight. Its Selene, Sinister, the two Shaws, Fitzroy, Emma and Pierce vs the X-men who are now: Wolverine, Cecilia, Psylocke, Gambit, Bishop, Warpath, Monet and Forge. Selene and Sinister surprise everyone with their enormous powers and stab their fellow Hellfire lords in the back. Now the two of them have twelve mutants. They start the ceremony. off course the x-men escape. The Pyramid they are in explodes. Everybody except shinobi shaw survives ( the marauders die again). Apocalypse's awakening was foiled. The x-men now wonder what to do. Suddenly the second snap ( from Endgame ) happens. Psylocke can sense her parents somehow and she knows that half of humanity is back. She can sense that some of them are now mutants just like them. The X-men decide to help all of them. Emma and Shaw and Fiztroy vow revenge on everyone. Pierces hates all mutants now and vows to build a bigger better cyborg version of himself and destroy all mutants. Sinister decides that experimenting is more fun then waking apocalypse and leaves Selene. Selene calls Candra and tells her its time to wake the others. The X-men find a new home in the outback in Australia Extra Credit scene one: Sinister returns to Canada and morphs into dr,Cornelius and walks into the weapon X compound. He calls the staff together and says : I found him. Let's go get him back, while standing in front of dozens of cages with what looks like more weapons like wolverine!!. Extra Credit scene two: Far away in space the Shi- Ar majestor just finds out that two of the three infinity snaps occurred on Earth. He is angry. He askes his generals to ready the armies. Its time to get ready for war, while looking at earth. Extra credit scene three : The destroyed pyramid.. something rumbles deep beneath the ground....

  15. #15
    Astonishing Member gonnagiveittoya's Avatar
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    Also, very unlikely but a possibility given Feiges background and the existence of the Multiverse: the Fox X-Men literally walk onto earth after escaping some cosmic threat (Kang?)

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