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  1. #1
    Ultimate Member Jackalope89's Avatar
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    Default Law & Order (SVU, OC, etc)

    So, this season of SVU (22 years now, which is impressive for any series), we get the surprise return of Elliot Stabler, as well as his new series, Organized Crime with crossover between the two.

    In the first episode back, Elliot's long time wife and mother of their kids, Kathy, is killed in a targeted car explosion as she and Elliot had plans to attend (in secret) Olivia's award ceremony. Needless to say, this derails the Stabler family (all of whom are back) and Olivia (whom had a personal relationship with most of them back in the day). Stabler ends up being "drafted" into a new unit, Organized Crime, which not only hunts such criminals, but has strong implications that a crime boss was behind his wife's murder. Of course, the Stablers are reeling from the loss of the matriarch, but Elliot is sent into an obsessed spiral, culminating in an intervention by his family (whom asked Olivia to help). Then we get the bombshell that had been waiting to be dropped for nearly 20 years; Elliot loves Olivia (and she had her own, if more subtle, ways of doing the same, even during Elliot's absence).

    Where this will lead, I don't know. But both series are slated to have crossovers going forward.
    end of spoilers

  2. #2
    The Superior One Celgress's Avatar
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    I've never liked this type of show. Semi-law breaking frequently violent cops are consistently presented as the "heroes". Graphic descriptions of terrible atrocities (often directed against children) are treated as a form of sick entertainment. I seldom watched them before the recent rash of police shootings and I see no reason to start now

    Hard Pass (Forever)
    Last edited by Celgress; 04-23-2021 at 08:07 PM.
    "So you've come to the end now alive but dead inside."

  3. #3


    I'm not sure sure Elliot got "drafted" per se, it was his idea for the task force, and he (IMO laughably) seriously thought he would be leading it. He's still a detective that is lucky to still be working, let alone he'll probably never be promoted unless its a burn bridges type of promotion from a superior already on their way out (ie how Olivia became captain).

    As for the most recent episode...he has PTSD that he refuses to treat, which kinda makes him a liability that everyone is putting up with given his loss. Indeed his continued presence is due to superiors' patience, however thin, with him. So him constantly testing that patience...kinda hard to swallow but this is fiction. Though it reminds me of the same problem pretty much all the senior detectives had on Criminal Intent. Brilliant, but hard to work with. Maybe with Nichols (Jeff Goldblum) less so compared to the other (Goran and Logan).

    As for SVU...they really seem to want a Rollins and Carisi relationship, but the only way they can make that happen appealing to the white knight in Carisi by making Amanda a constant damsel in distress? Not exactly cool with that, especially after they introduced his actual girlfriend who isn't a damsel in distress herself. I liked her alot, but I fear the only time we'll see her again is when Carisi finally ends it with her to be with Amanda.

    What happened to Finn (Ice-T) and his girlfriend (played by Jennifer Esposito)? I think she popped up once, then its been talking about her off screen, and how Finn can't bring himself to say "I love you" to her yet wants to propose to her. Finn was missing last ep, guess they could only juggle so many relationships at once.

    Finally, if SVU is #1, and OC is #2, what of the mysterious #3, HC, that will be exclusive to Peacock?

    I hope they import someone from Elliott's task force to the Hate Crimes Task Force. But so far, there's not even any casting announcements, just that Warren Leight will be the showrunner for both HC and SVU.

  4. #4
    Extraordinary Member
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    Always enjoyed these shows. Liking Stabler's new gig but the show could use a little levity he's so damn tortured lol. McDermott makes a good big bad too.

  5. #5
    Ultimate Member Jackalope89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celgress View Post
    I've never liked this type of show. Semi-law breaking frequently violent cops are consistently presented as the "heroes". Graphic descriptions of terrible atrocities (often directed against children) are treated as a form of sick entertainment. I seldom watched them before the recent rash of police shootings and I see no reason to start now

    Hard Pass (Forever)
    So far, the only time Stabler has gotten violent, was when he was protecting his youngest from a couple of McDermott's goons. But even that was in self-defense.
    end of spoilers

    But yeah, it could use a little levity, but I get why that's not really the focus for the time being.

    But I'll admit, I had stopped watching SVU for awhile until I saw the previews for Stabler coming back (I had watched several seasons after he had left). So Carisi being a DA and into Rollins is a bit odd, I don't know who the new faces are just yet, Finn still rocks from what I've seen of him, Benson still compassionate for other people, etc.

  6. #6
    Ultimate Member Deathstroke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celgress View Post
    I've never liked this type of show. Semi-law breaking frequently violent cops are consistently presented as the "heroes". Graphic descriptions of terrible atrocities (often directed against children) are treated as a form of sick entertainment. I seldom watched them before the recent rash of police shootings and I see no reason to start now

    Hard Pass (Forever)
    One wonders how you feel about shows that portray actual criminals doing criminal acts and being held out as great shows? The Sopranos, Sons of Anarchy, etc.
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  7. #7
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    I'm not a fan of the young people on Stabler's new squad. Nothing against the actors, they're fine, but it seems like such a marketing thing, "We need a couple of hot members in the cast to get more people watching."

  8. #8


    So a popular theory I'm seeing in regards to OC...I'm not up on my SVU lore like I thought...but apparently at some point, around the time Eli was conceived, Kathy cheated on Elliot. So there was some question as to whether Elliot is Eli's biological father or not. I have no idea how it was resolved, but they stayed together, so...

    But the theory is (I know, spoiler tags for a theory, but just in case): spoilers:
    Elliot is not the bio father, and whomever is the bio father 1) he's in the underworld like Wheatley, 2) he wants his son back and was willing to kill Kathy (done) and kidnap Eli (averted). Last episode gave Elliot conclusive proof that the person who activated the bomb remotely could clearly see who got into the car, so he wasn't the target, Kathy was. As bonkers as this theory is, I can buy its someone who contracted Wheatley to set all this up, I can't buy that its Wheatley himself though, which is where folks were going when they brought it up. Unless...deep down Wheatley is like his old man and wants a "pure" son. But I don't know, doubt it. Maybe its a setup for the next season's big bad.
    end of spoilers

  9. #9
    All-New Member MarshallBravestarr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celgress View Post
    I've never liked this type of show. Semi-law breaking frequently violent cops are consistently presented as the "heroes". Graphic descriptions of terrible atrocities (often directed against children) are treated as a form of sick entertainment. I seldom watched them before the recent rash of police shootings and I see no reason to start now

    Hard Pass (Forever)
    I would never try to steer someone towards the Law and Order franchise, and as a black man I too am very sensitive to police violence. Wth that said, I'll admit SVU has been a guilty pleasure of mine, and one thing I will say is the show generally does a good job of not glorifying police crossing the lines. Its more the fans that I think miss the point with characters like Stabler and fixate on the "badassness" of him, not unlike what happens with characters like Walter White or the Punisher.

    But as I said I'm a fan, and maybe I don't watch the show with a critical enough eye. Your concerns towards a character like Stabler are warranted though.

  10. #10
    All-New Member MarshallBravestarr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deathstroke View Post
    One wonders how you feel about shows that portray actual criminals doing criminal acts and being held out as great shows? The Sopranos, Sons of Anarchy, etc.
    I think sometimes fans glorify characters like Stabler (a cop who skirts the lines), or criminals in shows like Sopranos or Sons of Anarchy more so than the show intends to. The Godfather trilogy being an exception, where the movies are clearly glorifying criminals.

  11. #11
    The Superior One Celgress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deathstroke View Post
    One wonders how you feel about shows that portray actual criminals doing criminal acts and being held out as great shows? The Sopranos, Sons of Anarchy, etc.
    I don't watch those either. Other than Breaking Bad I've mostly avoided such shows. I did enjoy the prison drama OZ but in that series, no one was presented as honorable or "good" rather they were all deeply flawed individuals.
    Last edited by Celgress; 04-24-2021 at 05:05 PM.
    "So you've come to the end now alive but dead inside."

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ed2962 View Post
    I'm not a fan of the young people on Stabler's new squad. Nothing against the actors, they're fine, but it seems like such a marketing thing, "We need a couple of hot members in the cast to get more people watching."
    Maybe I'm not the best judge of this but they don't seem that young or even that "hot". In fact, they barely get any screen time and most of the focus is on Elliot, his new partner and the villains, all of whom are fairly old.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Z View Post
    Maybe I'm not the best judge of this but they don't seem that young or even that "hot". In fact, they barely get any screen time and most of the focus is on Elliot, his new partner and the villains, all of whom are fairly old.
    They aren't the focus, but whenever I see them, I think they look out of place. Like, I've been watching reruns of the new "Hawaii 5-0" it seems like that's the type of show they should be on...attractive young-ish people doing over the top crime fighting adventures...rather than a show with 60yr Stabler getting revenge on the mob.

  14. #14
    Mighty Member chachi's Avatar
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    Really enjoying Organized Crime... Meloni is killing it on the show so far. The theory's of what may really be going on are interesting, the clues are kind of there.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celgress View Post
    I've never liked this type of show. Semi-law breaking frequently violent cops are consistently presented as the "heroes". Graphic descriptions of terrible atrocities (often directed against children) are treated as a form of sick entertainment. I seldom watched them before the recent rash of police shootings and I see no reason to start now

    Hard Pass (Forever)
    Well what do you expect? General consensus is that honest characters are either suspect or boring. Writers avoid those characters like the plague nowadays.

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