Quote Originally Posted by The True Detective View Post
It's the same reason he doesn't let Superman toss Joker into the Phantom Zone, if all his villains are in an inescapable prison, then what? We need hero vs villain stories so they can't have him create tech that takes his villains out of the picture permanently, either that or he does create a prison they can't escape and for one reason or another they don't get caught since the status quo demands they keep coming back.

It hasn't been working to keep them in Arkham because of plot reasons, even if he did have his own Phantom Zone style prison the villains would find some way of getting out anyway. Also for all the talk of him not focusing on his villains what's stopping Superman from taking literally 3 seconds out of his day and hurling them all into the Phantom Zone? Yeah they aren't his "responsibility" but after hearing about Joker's millionth killing rampage shouldn't the other Leaguers' consciences bother them enough to put a stop to the likes of Joker once and for all? Shouldn't the state also take some blame since Batman hands them off to the authorities?

You're holding Batman to real world logic when none of the heroes really can be held to it if we want the status quo maintained. Flash can't use his superspeed to round up every crook on Earth because we need them. Superman can't give various police departments and militaries Fortress of Solitude tech because that would take them too far away from their real world counterpoints. Bruce's contingency plans aren't an everyday thing, he's constantly monitoring his villains OTOH, the plans for the heroes stickout more because of their rarity compared to him planning Joker's next escape from Arkham.
Yes, but the 'real-world' reasons why one story doesn't work.... is the same reason why story two shouldn't have been written. If you know you can't ever stop Joker or Two-face... then that's the baseline. That's where Batman lives. He shouldn't have super-science to kill Flash or mech suits to fight Darkseid. You can't have it both ways without breaking too much suspension of disbelief.