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  1. #1
    Extraordinary Member MichaelC's Avatar
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    Default Vox Machina vs Darth Vader

    Vox Machina vs Darth Vader

  2. #2
    Ultimate Member Jackalope89's Avatar
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    Not sure if any of their weapons would be effective against Vader's armor. Plus, his Force grip and choke is going to give them nightmares. We know Grog is dead almost from the get go. He charges headlong into every fight, but Vader's lightsaber would cleave him in two. From there, its all about if Vox Machina's weapons are effective against Vader's armor. And how well the magic vs The Force goes.

  3. #3
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    I'm on the other side.

    There're enough of Vox Machina that they should be able to overwhelm Vader with numbers. Between divine solar beams, lightning storms, giant hands grabbing his helmet, high powered riffle shots, magic arrows, one giant dude going at him with a giant axe and one speedy dude stabbing him in the vitals there is a lot of shit for him to deal with and I just don't think he can do that.

  4. #4
    Ultimate Member Jackalope89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Soul # 7 View Post
    I'm on the other side.

    There're enough of Vox Machina that they should be able to overwhelm Vader with numbers. Between divine solar beams, lightning storms, giant hands grabbing his helmet, high powered riffle shots, magic arrows, one giant dude going at him with a giant axe and one speedy dude stabbing him in the vitals there is a lot of shit for him to deal with and I just don't think he can do that.
    Numbers don't mean a whole lot. Vader took down a small army, and fully surrounded by them.

    (link shows the panels)

    Some other feats;

    His armor, speed, precognition, and abilities in the Force made him unparalleled in crushing Rebellion forces for nearly 20 years.

  5. #5
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    Aren't all the Vox Machina levels 15+? Surely one of them can just shunt Vader into another dimension, turn him into a possum, or literally wish him dead?
    Last edited by Cantget; 06-04-2023 at 11:47 PM.

  6. #6
    Ultimate Member Jackalope89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cantget View Post
    Aren't all the Vox Machina levels 15+? Surely one of them can just shunt Vader into another dimension, turn him into a possum, or literally wish him dead?
    Going back to the original trilogy;

    Vader force chokes a guy through a screen.

    Here we have Vader using the Force to keep lava at bay.

    These, and my post earlier, are just some of the feats Vader has had.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackalope89 View Post
    Numbers don't mean a whole lot. Vader took down a small army, and fully surrounded by them.

    (link shows the panels)
    That is cool. But he set off their own grenades to throw them into disarray and keep them from getting a solid lock on him. Then he went through them piece by piece rather than taking on an entire army at once. Also, he was fighting a whole of mooks. Vox Machina are level 20 adventurers. Bit of a difference.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jackalope89 View Post
    Some other feats;

    His armor, speed, precognition, and abilities in the Force made him unparalleled in crushing Rebellion forces for nearly 20 years.
    All very cool. Still not really seeing anything that'll stop multiple high level spells going at him simultaneously while he's also being assaulted by level 20 fighters at range and in close quarters.

  8. #8
    Ultimate Member Jackalope89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Soul # 7 View Post
    That is cool. But he set off their own grenades to throw them into disarray and keep them from getting a solid lock on him. Then he went through them piece by piece rather than taking on an entire army at once. Also, he was fighting a whole of mooks. Vox Machina are level 20 adventurers. Bit of a difference.

    All very cool. Still not really seeing anything that'll stop multiple high level spells going at him simultaneously while he's also being assaulted by level 20 fighters at range and in close quarters.
    So, what do you consider Jedi Knights and Masters to be? Because he has a large number of those under his belt. Sure, he fought some one on one. Others, he fought groups of them by himself. He's also ripped ships from the sky and tore them apart.

    This, combined with his precognition (which at its base, allows Jedi to deflect laser bolts, but can do far more), can counter even the inhuman speed, and disrupt spells before they get going. But even if a spell got off, he would use the Force as a barrier, and stopping even strong elemental spells is possible for him. His armor, Force abilities, experience fighting Jedi, armies (both Rebels and Separatists), countless monsters of the galaxy, and his near unparalleled ability with the lightsaber made him a force that terrified the galaxy for almost 20 years. His Force Choke, though basic, has been shown to have massive range. And lifting a few people by their throats? Not a challenge.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackalope89 View Post
    So, what do you consider Jedi Knights and Masters to be?
    Vader has to work to beat groups of Jedi Knights and Masters. And groups of Jedi Knights and Masters can't turn you into a raccoon or send you to another dimension. High level DnD characters are absolutely on Vader's level as far as speed and skill goes, but he's never dealt with anything as casually powerful and esoteric as them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackalope89 View Post
    This, combined with his precognition (which at its base, allows Jedi to deflect laser bolts, but can do far more), can counter even the inhuman speed, and disrupt spells before they get going.
    He can't deflect or disrupt spells like polymorph or wish. They happen at the speed of thought. He can just try to resist them, however that works.

    I feel like you're overselling Vader and underselling the Vox Machina.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackalope89 View Post
    His armor, Force abilities, experience fighting Jedi, armies (both Rebels and Separatists), countless monsters of the galaxy, and his near unparalleled ability with the lightsaber made him a force that terrified the galaxy for almost 20 years.
    Yeah, that's great, but he has never faced anything like the Vox Machina. The Star Wars Universe doesn't have anything like DnD magic. He could be a "force that terrified the galaxy for" a thousand years and it would make the same difference vs Vox's magic (i.e. not much).

    The "massive range" of his abilities is irrelevant in an arena battle.

    If this battle was bloodlusted with absolutely no CIS, it would be a quickdraw where Vader tries to crush them all to death at the bell while Vox casters hit him with their most potent spells. Maybe Vader could win that, if he was able to resist them. Looking at the Vox members' known spells, Vader could conceivably be getting plane shifted, divine worded, dominated, polymorphed, and a combination of a dozen other ridiculous things simultaneously.

    Scanlan, Vox's bard, knows the Wish spell. He could literally strip Vader of the Force, or make Vox immune to the Force. Vader can't even resist that one. There's literally no counter except how "fate" interprets the wish. Yes, it's wildly overpowered, but that's high-level DnD for you.
    Last edited by Cantget; 06-06-2023 at 12:34 AM.

  10. #10
    The Weeping Mod Sharpandpointies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cantget View Post
    If this battle was bloodlusted with absolutely no CIS
    By default, Rumbles assumes Bloodlust (and the OP didn't state otherwise). PIS is always off on Rumbles, period, while CIS is active unless otherwise noted. However, I don't think Vox Machina or Vader (outside of one character) have any actual in-character stupidity/restraints on their abilities, so I don't see how it's going to apply here (again, outside of one character who really isn't important to this particular Rumble).

    So yes, it's likely a quickdraw, depending not only on 'how fast people are' but also 'how long does it take them to get their needed abilities up and running (ie casting times)'.
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  11. #11
    Legendary God of Pirates Nik Hasta's Avatar
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    Since this seems to hinge on who acts first; dare I ask how one calculates or conceptualises speed of action/reaction for DND characters? Strictly speaking their reaction time is technically predicated on an Initiative Roll which is random, albeit influenced by stat build.

  12. #12
    Voice of the Authorities Cleric of Hell’s Brigade's Avatar
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    Ehh, if it’s from the actual play, Vax at least will act faster than Vader as Vax has at least one (maybe a few, it’s been a while) legit low level BT feats (against Ripley’s gun and her people).

    The cartoon version has low level super speed too in Season Two once he gets the Raven Queen’s armor.

    Actual Play ones stomp Vader mostly because he is going up against a group of highly trained fighters, used to working together, and that have a plethora of abilities he cannot counter. Force Choke only works for so much here, especially with things like ranged lightning spells, polymorph, teleporting knives, etc…….

    Cartoon versions he has a chance as they are not as powerful as their Actual Play counterparts (yet). Depends on who he takes out first as that would be key.
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