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  1. #31
    Incredible Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eskana View Post
    This does look cute, but I am getting a little tired of Jimmy always getting race-swapped. I don't really care about Perry, but I love Jimmy's iconic classic look.

    I like that they're focusing more "slice of life" ... since IMO, Superman's strength is always Clark's character, it helps that they will be building on that part. As they say, for Superman, Clark is the real person, and Superman is the "mask."
    “Always”? How many times has it happened?

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by HollowSage View Post
    “Always”? How many times has it happened?
    As far as I know, this is the third time:

    -Battle of super sons animated movie

  3. #33
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    Always got to racebend the redhead black .

  4. #34
    A Wearied Madness Vakanai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Batgrayson View Post
    As far as I know, this is the third time:

    -Battle of super sons animated movie
    I watched Super Sons like a month ago and I didn't even remember Jimmy was in it!

    But yes, the redhead is always the one to get race bent.

  5. #35


    Episode 7 of My Adventures with Superman showed a couple of Evil Superman, one of them being Ultraman from Earth 3.
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  6. #36
    Invincible Member Kirby101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eskana View Post
    This does look cute, but I am getting a little tired of Jimmy always getting race-swapped. I don't really care about Perry, but I love Jimmy's iconic classic look.

    I like that they're focusing more "slice of life" ... since IMO, Superman's strength is always Clark's character, it helps that they will be building on that part. As they say, for Superman, Clark is the real person, and Superman is the "mask."
    Superman , Kal El is the real person. Clark is the mask. The glasses hide his true identity.
    There came a time when the Old Gods died! The Brave died with the Cunning! The Noble perished locked in battle with unleashed Evil! It was the last day for them! An ancient era was passing in fiery holocaust!

  7. #37
    Ultimate Member WebLurker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirby101 View Post
    Superman , Kal El is the real person. Clark is the mask. The glasses hide his true identity.
    Thought it was the other way around (or at least that Clark felt a little freer in Superman mode, like how all of us act a little differently in our online personas than in real life, even if we're not faking things).
    Doctor Strange: "You are the right person to replace Logan."
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  8. #38
    Invincible Member Kirby101's Avatar
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    Interesting discussion about it, including Kill Bill quote.

    "Superman didn't become Superman. Superman was born Superman. When Superman wakes up in the morning, he's Superman. His alter ego is Clark Kent. His outfit with the big red "S", that's the blanket he was wrapped in as a baby when the Kents found him. Those are his clothes. What Kent wears – the glasses, the business suit – that's the costume. That's the costume Superman wears to blend in with us. Clark Kent is how Superman views us. And what are the characteristics of Clark Kent. He's weak… he's unsure of himself… he's a coward. Clark Kent is Superman's critique on the whole human race."- Bill in Kill Bill Vol 2,
    There came a time when the Old Gods died! The Brave died with the Cunning! The Noble perished locked in battle with unleashed Evil! It was the last day for them! An ancient era was passing in fiery holocaust!

  9. #39
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    It really just depends on the continuity.

    I would say that at the heart of the character he's the Clark Kent raised by Martha and Jonathan Kent but he also has that side of him that's Kryptonian and his public face is a bit of an affectation. Sometimes it depends on how early in his life he learns about Krypton.

    As for the latest episode:

    I guess after everything Clark just revealed he may as well show them the Fortress. I'm surprised he didn't introduce them to the Kents either, but I guess he didn't want his parents to see all the blatant flirting going on between him and Lois. I'm surprised the Jor-El AI didn't pop up on them. Has Clark tried to communicate with him at all since episode 2?

    Nothing says romcom like spending an absurd amount of time preparing the perfect date. Lois was also planning on helping Clark learn about himself but you know she's a pro at this because she doesn't seem anywhere near exhausted.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk! They anime-ed him up design-wise but he's still the irreverent mischief maker who knows how to play Superman like a fiddle.

    Fleischer Supes! Super Friends Supes! DCAU Supes!

    They're so committed to tomboy Lois' that even her AU versions are is an outright dude! Heck, she even had a dress prepped for her date with Clark that she never wore. That's commitment.

    Ha! Fleischer Lois (as Lois Prime) starting a Multiversal League of Lois' is so...Lois.

    Poor Lois. She's the only Lois without a pullitzer (and she's also 23 so one year older than Clark?).

    I was wondering why black Lois didn't get an introduction, but she was their Jimmy. And voiced by Kimberly Brooks. There was also a Jamilah Olsen on Black Lightning.

    Look at all the Lois hairstyles! Finally a Lois with long hair. And the one that still gets along with her dad hurts most of all.

    So are these Rogue Lois' who all had evil Supermen and banded together in solidarity over that? It seems like they're kind of their own contingent.

    I saw Fleischer Lois and DCAU Lois but it didn't seem like there were other animated Lois', just references to her various ethnic transformations.

    Helmet of Fate! Mother Box! Soultaker Sword! Green Lantern Power Battery! Legion Flight Ring! Cosmic Staff! A whole smorgasboard of DC Easter Eggs!

    I get that he was robbing an Earth Prime museum of legendary DC items but a smash and grab feels so...mundane for Mxy. Though I guess it was all so he could get his full powers back.

    I never expected Clark would learn about Krypton from Mxy or get hit with Kryptonite for the first time from a bunch of AU Lois' out to kill him, but there we go.

    He may not have the weakness of saying his name backwards but he's still got a bowler hat and Chaos God powers.

    Nothing says first real kiss like making out while a Chaos God is trashing the place!

    I wish Superman had beat Mxy without help. Feels like shows always under-power or underutilize their protagonist so the supporting cast has more to do. But I guess Mxy wasn't really "beaten" anyways.

    Ugh. I have had enough of evil Supermen. There's Justice Lords Supes, even. I don't really need Lois' head biased by seeing like three evil alternate Supes and giving her a sliver of Kryptonite when we know she's going to believe in Clark because he's one of the (many) good ones.

    Next week: Super Hearing!

  10. #40
    Invincible Member Kirby101's Avatar
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    There is the idea that Superman as an alien, is Passing as a human with Clark. The way Jews, like Seigel and Shuster might have experienced as American Jews.
    There came a time when the Old Gods died! The Brave died with the Cunning! The Noble perished locked in battle with unleashed Evil! It was the last day for them! An ancient era was passing in fiery holocaust!

  11. #41
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirby101 View Post
    There is the idea that Superman as an alien, is Passing as a human with Clark. The way Jews, like Seigel and Shuster might have experienced as American Jews.
    Yeah, but sometimes he's raised without knowing he's an alien for most of his life.

  12. #42
    Extraordinary Member thwhtGuardian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirby101 View Post
    Interesting discussion about it, including Kill Bill quote.
    Yeah, Tarintino is a person so he's wrong sometimes. No shame in that.
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  13. #43
    Legendary Member daBronzeBomma's Avatar
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    Thoughts on these 4 episodes of #MyAdventuresWithSuperman #MAWS :
    s1e04 "Let's Go To Ivo Tower, You Say?"
    s1e05 "You Will Believe A Man Can Lie"
    s1e06 "My Adventures With Mad Science"
    s1e07 "Kiss Kiss Fall Through Portal"
    Spoilers follow ...

    1. Going to whirlwind these episodes quickly in a desperate effort to catch up to the latest offering from MAWS, a show that seems to be getting incrementally better by the episode.

    2. It's a great call IMO, having Lois figure out Clark's secret very early on in their relationship.

    The "Love Triangle For Two" trope that was acceptable from the 1930s thru the 1980s now just makes Lois look dumb and Clark look jerk-ish.

    Also, absolutely no one who spends any significant time with Kal-El in both his Clark and Superman personas is going to stay fooled by this paper-thin disguise*.

    3. I appreciate that Clark doesn't just roll over for Lois when she's in the wrong.

    She wanted to expose Superman's secrets, and Clark rightfully and loudly pointed out that was HIS privacy she was going destroy in her zeal.

    4. I have a feeling that the MAWS Jimmy Olsen is going to wind up becoming the best ever version of Superman's Pal.

    Crazy as it sounds now, Jimmy Olsen used to be as central to the Superverse as Robin was to the Batverse (tho this was at least over 40 years ago real-time).

    The character has since taken a deep back seat to Lois, John Henry, Kara, Krypto, anyone named Superboy, Batman, and Wonder Woman in the pecking order of Superman's pals.

    But this is the closest Jimmy has ever been to Clark. He figured out Clark's secret before anyone else, didn't say anything until Clark told him, and was told the secret right after Lois (which understandably pissed him off a bit). He actually feels vital here.

    5. Clark's conflicting desires to be "normal" (and not be an isolated freak) while still wanting to know who he is and where he came from is juxtaposed nicely in these episodes.

    Dude is like an onion: lots of layers here.

    6. General Sam Lane is back to being a morally grey character.

    Too bad, I dug the positive portrayal of him in #SupermanAndLois but have to remember most versions of Lois' dad are usually antagonistic in nature.

    This one is awfully familiar with Amanda Wallace (he has the balls to call her "Mandy" to her face).

    7. Ivo as Parasite is a miss for me.

    I, uh, don't really know anything about Ivo from the comix, but I presume at least his shtick isn't Diet MCU Tony Starks (if he had never gotten abducted in the Middle East during Iron Man 1 and stayed sleazy) ... plus he's never even been the Parasite in any story AFAIK.

    And I really don't like the MAWS Parasite design. Parasite is one Super Foe that never relies on tech. But maybe this version can evolve into more of that classic life-draining monster.

    Oh, and I really hope that young "Alex" is NOT going to become MAWS' Lex Luthor ... please be a red herring.

    8) I only know Monsieur Mallah and The Brain from the underrated #TeenTitansGo cartoon.

    They still have wonderful comedic value as a duo, and here the LGBTQ vibes are more front and center since Mallah can talk and there's no glossing over their relationship here. Hope to see them again down the road.

    9. Mxyzptlk is awesome.

    Never watched any version of Dragon Ball before (but I have been online clips without context), so I get the complaint that the MAWS version doesn't look at all like Classic Mxy ... but unlike the Parasite case, I don't care.

    MAWS Mxyzptlk may not look the part, but damn does he sure ACT the part!

    Loved that this Mxy took Clark through many of his different animated selves (they were blink and you could miss them): quality fan service!

    Mxy being a multiversal thief is a new take, one that I'm unsure of, but he still brings the chaos. Loved that his power-up macguffin was his old-school derby hat.

    10. The League of Lois Lanes is cool as hell.

    Yes, it's not the most original concept, as #RickAndMorty did the most comprehensive job with the multiverse motif, and both DC and Marvel have been doing some version of it for decades. But a council of multiversal Lois Lanes somehow feels fresh.

    And I'll say it: Superman being a multiversal focal point comes WAY more naturally to the character than it does for Spider-Man (no shade, SpiderVerse is great, but dimension-hopping really shouldn't become Spidey's forte IMO).

    Also: love that "Clois" is firmly a real ship this early in the show.

    11. In a multiverse of infinite possibilities, Superman is not always good.

    Yes, and that fact should apply to literally every other character in the multiverse, not just him.

    Bottom line: it's taken a few episodes, but MAWS is really picking up steam now. Stakes are rising.

    Overall grade of enjoyment for these 4 episodes: 8.5 / 10

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by thwhtGuardian View Post
    Yeah, Tarintino is a person so he's wrong sometimes. No shame in that.
    I will never understand why anyone thinks that speech is supposed to reflect Tarantino's opinion. The person saying this is a self-admitted murdering bastard who stole a woman's baby after shooting her and all her friends at a wedding rehearsal.

  15. #45
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    I really like this show. The personal portrayals are just fun. Mxy looked like a DB Kai. The contrast of the usual hard bitten Lois and this one is a nice change. Race switch on Jimmy - so what. Say Nick Fury. I do think the Supergirl Jimmy/Guardian was idiotic from the plot and usage of the character. Not because of the race switch - the Guardian was stupid.

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