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  1. #46
    Ultimate Member Last Son of Krypton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vordan View Post
    Lord I hope it’s not a Multiverse event, that would be a huge turn off. Williamson fought to not have a Multiverse event so soon after Knight Terrors, I don’t think he’s planning on a Multiverse story for Brainiac. Brainiac is planning on attacking Metropolis to find something there, that’s a solid enough premise for an event without bringing in Multiverse bullshit. Plus the Milestone books are both off on their own and don’t sell well. Odds of DC building an event around them feel slim. Wait and see I suppose.
    Brianiac is searching multiverse anomalies after Dark Crisis has restore the infinite earths. Whatever he is up to, it's starting with some multiverse research.

  2. #47
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    Multiverse is now the most overused word in Superheroes .

  3. #48
    Invincible Member Vordan's Avatar
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    Yeah that page seems totally disconnected from what Williamson is doing. Right now I don’t think the two are connected at all beyond Hudlin wanting to use Brainiac. Williamson is a continuity junkie though, maybe there will be some acknowledgment.
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  4. #49
    A Wearied Madness Vakanai's Avatar
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    I'm a bit tired of the multiverse being referenced - it's big in the comics, cartoons, movies, both Marvel and DC. Now the only thing I want to see use it is the next Spider-Verse movie and that's it.
    Can't we go back to something like Time Travel for a bit? Like maybe different versions of Superman from the future come to the present to fight a big threat to all futures or something. It still brings in other takes on Superman and explores similar territory as the multiverse, but is different and is focused on the future and trying to fight for a better one. That's something I could see working. Have near future and dar future takes on Supes, from an older Clark to various people either descended from him or inspired by him. Kingdom Come Superman, Batman Beyond Superman, DC One Million Superman, an older version of Jon, some various others from future themed Elseworlds to some just made up for the event. All coming to the past to stop some time traveling menace in order to either ensure their future or ensure a better future. That's a way to do a big event and explore the whole infinite possibilities angle without going back to the multiverse again.

  5. #50
    Extraordinary Member Mantis-Ray's Avatar
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    Considering Icon vs Hardware is using the "World's Collide" tagline, Brainiac's involvement is maybe more a modern adaptation of that storyline from when the original Milestone line did it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vakanai View Post
    I'm a bit tired of the multiverse being referenced - it's big in the comics, cartoons, movies, both Marvel and DC. Now the only thing I want to see use it is the next Spider-Verse movie and that's it.
    Can't we go back to something like Time Travel for a bit? Like maybe different versions of Superman from the future come to the present to fight a big threat to all futures or something. It still brings in other takes on Superman and explores similar territory as the multiverse, but is different and is focused on the future and trying to fight for a better one. That's something I could see working. Have near future and dar future takes on Supes, from an older Clark to various people either descended from him or inspired by him. Kingdom Come Superman, Batman Beyond Superman, DC One Million Superman, an older version of Jon, some various others from future themed Elseworlds to some just made up for the event. All coming to the past to stop some time traveling menace in order to either ensure their future or ensure a better future. That's a way to do a big event and explore the whole infinite possibilities angle without going back to the multiverse again.
    I'm reminded how Spider-Verse and the MCU turned Spider-Man 2099 and Kang the Conqueror from temporal characters to multiverse characters.

  6. #51
    Ultimate Member Last Son of Krypton's Avatar
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    DC is a multiverse, and the first company to introduce and use the concept. Stories about alternate Earths are in DC's DNA. Heck, it took only 3 years after COIE to start the Elseworlds line. They can't live without alternate Earths for long.

  7. #52
    Incredible Member SuperCrab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vakanai View Post
    I'm a bit tired of the multiverse being referenced - it's big in the comics, cartoons, movies, both Marvel and DC. Now the only thing I want to see use it is the next Spider-Verse movie and that's it.
    Can't we go back to something like Time Travel for a bit? Like maybe different versions of Superman from the future come to the present to fight a big threat to all futures or something. It still brings in other takes on Superman and explores similar territory as the multiverse, but is different and is focused on the future and trying to fight for a better one. That's something I could see working. Have near future and dar future takes on Supes, from an older Clark to various people either descended from him or inspired by him. Kingdom Come Superman, Batman Beyond Superman, DC One Million Superman, an older version of Jon, some various others from future themed Elseworlds to some just made up for the event. All coming to the past to stop some time traveling menace in order to either ensure their future or ensure a better future. That's a way to do a big event and explore the whole infinite possibilities angle without going back to the multiverse again.
    In something that would surprise people who know me, I actually get where you're coming from, despite decades of loving multiverse stuff. I don't agree with you about not wanting more- I'd rather see a multiverse event than a time travel event, but I understand the multiverse fatigue that some people are experiencing.

    Some of my favorite episodes of Star Trek include episodes about the multiverse like TNG's "Parallels" that don't make most people's lists. Sliders (A show from the 1990s about a group of people lost in the multiverse sliding from world to world searching for a way home, limited to, or forced to stay for, an interval of time that differs on each world- could be seconds, could be months. If you miss the slide, though, you're stuck where you are for 29 years.) is one of my favorite shows of all-time (The first two seasons especially). I keep saying with all this multiverse stuff in pop culture, this would be a perfect time to revive or reboot the show for streaming (You can get watch all five seasons on Peacock, but there's no new content).

    However, I think it was about the time where I saw an ad for a new season of Big Brother, which is a reality show, that claimed to be set in a multiverse or four different universes that I said "Oh man, this is getting so pervasive that regular people will be sick of it for a generation and we won't see any new multiverse stories for a while past a certain point.". I mean, how do you do a season of a reality show set in four different universes anyway? I totally realize reality shows are basically semi-scripted and not as spontaneous as viewers tend to believe, but I don't see how they could possibly pass off something truly scripted as if we're occuring in four different universes as a reality show, and if they deliver something that is nothing like four different universes, there are going to be people who are understandably unhaopy about the misleading ad campaign.

    Believe it or not, there was a time where Star Trek fans were starting to get sick of time travel stories. I think Voyager and Enterprise were sort of the appex of people going "Enough already.". Fortunately for fans of time travel, it has been an element of some of recent streaming series and at least one movie, and I think most of those have been well received- fans just needed a break, and the large gap in real life time between Enterprise (Last of the old guard, cancelled 2005, which brought an end to continuous new Star Trek in production since 1987- sometimes with two shows airing new episodes the same weeks fairly regularly, for a total of 4 shows [TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT], not counting TOS) and Discovery (First of the new guard, 2017, the beginning of a slate that also included Star Trek: Picard and Strange New Worlds) seemed to do the trick. None of the new shows are really about time travel overall, but there are seasons and episodes and so on featuring time travel storylines.

    There's a new Quantum Leap on the air (Sort of- season one aired, but with the Hollywood writers' strike, I don't know when we mifjt get a second season), so time travel hasn't entirely been forgotten about in sci-fi.

    Still, when it comes to a Superman comic, I'd love to see the Superman of Earth 52 (aka The New52 Superman, as established in Doomsday Clock). His return in some capacity might be the only thing that would get me to buy the books again.

    I suppose that doesn't strictly require the multiverse. You could change history so that the New52 Superman never dies to begin with, or keep history and, in the present, divide Superman into Red and Blue (In "Superman Reborn", they establish that New52 Superman was in reality always Superman Red, and SuperDad was Superman Blue).

    One issue with doing it via time travel, though, is that the Superman Reborn storyline seems to have been retconned out of existence, the New52 style Superman suit Clark was shown wearing while delivering Jon was retconned to typical Superman uniform (Literally, they showed the same sequence in a Jon Kent comic of his birth as "Superman Reborn" did, but thet nixed the New52 costume.), etc.. I honestly don't know, with the way they've handled it and subsequent timeline changes that seem to mean that if there is anything uniquely N52 left in a merger that was supposed to be 50-50, but always showed very little N52 and then quickly revised it to essentially none, I don't see it.

    It's a little simpler if you do it the multiverse way, though. You can add some little swerves involving characters from New52 Clark's home universe without making it difficult on people to write the prime universe versions later. The Supermen can team up, and at the end each go home. It's a cleaner way to handle things than some of the non-multiverse stuff.

  8. #53
    Jax City/Kill The FIremen
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vordan View Post
    World’s Finest is doing ok, and it would theoretically only last as long as Waid was on the book. Maybe I’ll be wrong and it will stay in the present, but I don’t know if I want that. Waid is very regressive, I’d rather have the book literally set in the past then have it be a retro book set in the present.

    We kid but the only Superfamily member Waid would ever use is Kara. He would sideline everyone else. Maybe he’d use Steel but even that feels like a stretch, Kon and Kenan would be banished to the PZ with quickness lol.
    I don't see it as being theoretical at all. Waid is the only guy at DC who can do a "retro" book that would sell, who is not Morrison and probably Millar.

  9. #54
    A Wearied Madness Vakanai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperCrab View Post
    In something that would surprise people who know me, I actually get where you're coming from, despite decades of loving multiverse stuff. I don't agree with you about not wanting more- I'd rather see a multiverse event than a time travel event, but I understand the multiverse fatigue that some people are experiencing.

    Some of my favorite episodes of Star Trek include episodes about the multiverse like TNG's "Parallels" that don't make most people's lists. Sliders (A show from the 1990s about a group of people lost in the multiverse sliding from world to world searching for a way home, limited to, or forced to stay for, an interval of time that differs on each world- could be seconds, could be months. If you miss the slide, though, you're stuck where you are for 29 years.) is one of my favorite shows of all-time (The first two seasons especially). I keep saying with all this multiverse stuff in pop culture, this would be a perfect time to revive or reboot the show for streaming (You can get watch all five seasons on Peacock, but there's no new content).

    However, I think it was about the time where I saw an ad for a new season of Big Brother, which is a reality show, that claimed to be set in a multiverse or four different universes that I said "Oh man, this is getting so pervasive that regular people will be sick of it for a generation and we won't see any new multiverse stories for a while past a certain point.". I mean, how do you do a season of a reality show set in four different universes anyway? I totally realize reality shows are basically semi-scripted and not as spontaneous as viewers tend to believe, but I don't see how they could possibly pass off something truly scripted as if we're occuring in four different universes as a reality show, and if they deliver something that is nothing like four different universes, there are going to be people who are understandably unhaopy about the misleading ad campaign.

    Believe it or not, there was a time where Star Trek fans were starting to get sick of time travel stories. I think Voyager and Enterprise were sort of the appex of people going "Enough already.". Fortunately for fans of time travel, it has been an element of some of recent streaming series and at least one movie, and I think most of those have been well received- fans just needed a break, and the large gap in real life time between Enterprise (Last of the old guard, cancelled 2005, which brought an end to continuous new Star Trek in production since 1987- sometimes with two shows airing new episodes the same weeks fairly regularly, for a total of 4 shows [TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT], not counting TOS) and Discovery (First of the new guard, 2017, the beginning of a slate that also included Star Trek: Picard and Strange New Worlds) seemed to do the trick. None of the new shows are really about time travel overall, but there are seasons and episodes and so on featuring time travel storylines.

    There's a new Quantum Leap on the air (Sort of- season one aired, but with the Hollywood writers' strike, I don't know when we mifjt get a second season), so time travel hasn't entirely been forgotten about in sci-fi.

    Still, when it comes to a Superman comic, I'd love to see the Superman of Earth 52 (aka The New52 Superman, as established in Doomsday Clock). His return in some capacity might be the only thing that would get me to buy the books again.

    I suppose that doesn't strictly require the multiverse. You could change history so that the New52 Superman never dies to begin with, or keep history and, in the present, divide Superman into Red and Blue (In "Superman Reborn", they establish that New52 Superman was in reality always Superman Red, and SuperDad was Superman Blue).

    One issue with doing it via time travel, though, is that the Superman Reborn storyline seems to have been retconned out of existence, the New52 style Superman suit Clark was shown wearing while delivering Jon was retconned to typical Superman uniform (Literally, they showed the same sequence in a Jon Kent comic of his birth as "Superman Reborn" did, but thet nixed the New52 costume.), etc.. I honestly don't know, with the way they've handled it and subsequent timeline changes that seem to mean that if there is anything uniquely N52 left in a merger that was supposed to be 50-50, but always showed very little N52 and then quickly revised it to essentially none, I don't see it.

    It's a little simpler if you do it the multiverse way, though. You can add some little swerves involving characters from New52 Clark's home universe without making it difficult on people to write the prime universe versions later. The Supermen can team up, and at the end each go home. It's a cleaner way to handle things than some of the non-multiverse stuff.
    I kind of separate multiverse stories from stories set in the multiverse - aka crossover events where the multiverse is somehow in trouble ala Into the Spider-Verse versus stories like Red Sun or Smashes the Klan. I'd love more Elseworld content, but not "oh noes the multiverse is in danger!!!1!" I'm kind of tired of the word multiverse, least on the huge epic event scale things. Just give me elseworlds or if multiverse crossover stuff needs to happen tone it down a notch, lower scale. The bigger multiverse stuff works best when it's rarer.

    I love Sliders as a kid, but it treated it much more differently than the superhero genre did. There the focus was on these different worlds and how the group survived them, in DC/Marvel it's about the main universe saving all reality from yada yada you get the idea.

  10. #55
    Invincible Member Vordan's Avatar
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    If this is the Waid book maybe it won’t be such a jarring change from PKJ after all. Might owe Waid an apology. Looks like body horror might still be on the menu
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  11. #56

  12. #57
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    Upside down Jimmy .

  13. #58
    Invincible Member Vordan's Avatar
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    Javier Rodriguez posted this, anyone recognize it from something he’s already done or could he be working on something new? I reread his Order of the Black Lamp story with Cantwell and I don’t think it’s from that.
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  14. #59
    The One and Only Thor-Ul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vordan View Post

    If this is the Waid book maybe it won’t be such a jarring change from PKJ after all. Might owe Waid an apology. Looks like body horror might still be on the menu
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  15. #60
    Invincible Member Vordan's Avatar
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    Oh and the Rodriguez art was for the Ghouls Anthology one shot that came out today.
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