Quote Originally Posted by out of control View Post
I like (Robert Downy jr.) Tony Stark Iron Man, but i haven't read many Iron Man Comics. First Iron Man Comics, i have ever read was Ultimate Iron Man Mini series back in the day even before MCU started. What got me into Ultimate Iron Man was the armor design, i really liked the Ultimate Iron Man Armor design back in the day. Then i read Iron Man: Extremis and thought Warren Ellis was really ''inspired'' by the Guyver manga. I tried Iron Man by Fraction lastly, but dropped the book after a couple of issues because it was increadibly boring.
There are lots of good Iron Man runs. Try Michelinie/Layton's Iron Man or Iron Man Director of SHIELD by the Knaufs. There's also Kurt Busiek's Iron Man.

Sorry you didn't like Fractions run as many Tony fans give it high marks.