Marvel’s Freedom Fighters…:

In a reality where WWII went a totally different way, the Axis powers have conquered or occupy nearly every major Country. An older, banged up, but still peak human Captain America continues to fight the good fight 80 years later.

With his blond hair, blue eyes, impressive wingspan and family fortune, Warren Worthington III was raised to be a key figure of the Nazi aristocracy. If only his pesky human values hadn’t gotten in the way. The Axis have put a bounty on his traitorous head second only to Cap.

Russian super spy Laynia Petrovna combines her fighting, assassination, and espionage skills w. her inborn ability to harness and control Dark Force energy to go after the Nazis in every awful way she can.

The son of Howard Stark was forced to live out his early years underground and on the run, expressing his scientific imagination on a…smaller scale. Tony Stark fights hard, plays hard, and lives like there’s no tomorrow.

Before accidentally gaining superhuman powers, China’s leading nuclear physicist Dr. Chen Lu spent his career under the thumb of the Nazis, forced to experiment on his own ppl. Now he’s sworn to burn the Nazi regime to the ground.

Born w. the ability to move and fly at superhuman speed and emit flashes of blinding light, French-Canadian Jean Paul Beaubier wears his Country’s colors as proudly as Captain America wears his.

For the last eighty years all the men of England’s prestigious Falsworth family have served as Union Jack, and all the women have been Spitfires. Emilia Falsworth continues the tradition, eager to leave her mark.