When it comes to differences in how things look, I don't think it's wrong to raise those questions. In large part because Trek creators have also addressed some of those questions, like why Original Series Klingons look different, and we've also had TNG and DS9 keep the look of the Original Series Enterprise. So, when Discovery, which starts ten years before the Original Series, and is supposed to be set in the same reality as all the other television Trek series, gives us a very different looking Enterprise and Klingons, it does raise questions, and it makes it harder to accept this is all part of the same reality.

Trek creators, old and new, have the right obviously to do what they want, and I also get why they made some of the changes, but still it can be jarring, and also feel like the changes to the alien species like the Klingons and Andorians were just done to do them as opposed to making them better. What ENT did with the Andorians made them better, the way I see it, while DISCO's redesigns just came off as needless artistic flourish. I'm more okay with making the Enterprise (as well as uniforms) look more futuristic for 21st century audiences, but if I had my druthers, I would keep to the established aesthetics as much as I could. The Axanar fan film project gets maligned a lot, but when that was a thing, I did like a lot of the costuming, ship designs, and concept art from Axanar. I felt that was a way to keep the aesthetic while also making it look fresher.