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  1. #5596
    Extraordinary Member CaptainEurope's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tendrin View Post

    Downballot damage wrought by Republican extremism continues to manifest in the oddest places.
    Which is why the polls are so confusing. Almost every single election in the past 4 years shows a massive swing towards Democrats.

  2. #5597
    Invincible Member Kirby101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainEurope View Post
    Plus, Biden is a Catholic. One would have to live in Russia not to know the difference.
    I think there was just a misreading of the first sentence;
    In January 2021, lifelong Amtrak super user and evangelist Joe Biden was inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States.
    Biden is an evangelist for public transportation, especially Railroads. He gets how far behind the rest of the First World on these, and he has done something to improve things.
    The "people are struggling, gets tiring. Are people struggling? Yes, but far less than under Trump, and far less that will be under Trump. Are their always people struggling? Yes. But a bigger majority in Congress might get that Minimum Wage increase that Biden supports and Trump and the GOP doesn't.
    Just saying "people are struggling" as if it is somehow due to Biden or that he hasn't done much to help and will do more is just meaningless.
    There came a time when the Old Gods died! The Brave died with the Cunning! The Noble perished locked in battle with unleashed Evil! It was the last day for them! An ancient era was passing in fiery holocaust!

  3. #5598
    Old school comic book fan WestPhillyPunisher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirby101 View Post
    I think there was just a misreading of the first sentence;

    Biden is an evangelist for public transportation, especially Railroads. He gets how far behind the rest of the First World on these, and he has done something to improve things.
    When Biden was a Senator and lived in Delaware, he regularly took Amtrak to and from Washington. He understands the importance of railroads and how woefully far the U.S. is behind countries like Japan, England, France, Italy, Germany, South Korea, etc when it comes to high speed rail systems. I know someone who visited Japan and rode the Shinkansen (bullet train), he said that makes Amtrak's Acela look pathetic. I applaud Biden for wanting to invest in railroads.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirby101 View Post
    The "people are struggling, gets tiring. Are people struggling? Yes, but far less than under Trump, and far less that will be under Trump. Are their always people struggling? Yes. But a bigger majority in Congress might get that Minimum Wage increase that Biden supports and Trump and the GOP doesn't.
    Just saying "people are struggling" as if it is somehow due to Biden or that he hasn't done much to help and will do more is just meaningless.
    The glaring chasm between the rich and the poor has been around since this country was formed, and it's not going away anytime soon, if at all. The best any president can do is to address the inequity and do all he can to alleviate it, which is what Biden is trying to do, Trump, on the other hand won't give a damn about those struggling people, we saw that first hand during the COVID crisis, he'll just pass through more tax cuts for the wealthy while gnawing away at what freedoms the rest of us still have.
    Avatar: Here's to the late, great Steve Dillon. Best. Punisher. Artist. EVER!

  4. #5599
    Invincible Member Kirby101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WestPhillyPunisher View Post
    The glaring chasm between the rich and the poor has been around since this country was formed, and it's not going away anytime soon, if at all. The best any president can do is to address the inequity and do all he can to alleviate it, which is what Biden is trying to do, Trump, on the other hand won't give a damn about those struggling people, we saw that first hand during the COVID crisis, he'll just pass through more tax cuts for the wealthy while gnawing away at what freedoms the rest of us still have.
    Here is Fact. The wealth disparity was reversed in favor of the lower 90% under Roosevelt and continued until the Reagan tax cuts and 40 years of GOP "trickle down" economics. One Party helps the working class, and one Party ONLY helps the rich.
    There came a time when the Old Gods died! The Brave died with the Cunning! The Noble perished locked in battle with unleashed Evil! It was the last day for them! An ancient era was passing in fiery holocaust!

  5. #5600
    Astonishing Member Tuck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zelena View Post
    I never said it was justified. I wanted to say it is not on the same level as people dying on a foreign land…
    Again, one has nothing to do with the other.

    There are currently and estimated 40 million slaves in the world right now, and we all probably purchase products made with slave labor. 40 million is more than 40,000. Does that mean we shouldn't have a care for the death toll in Gaza?

  6. #5601
    Astonishing Member hyped78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainEurope View Post
    Which is why the polls are so confusing. Almost every single election in the past 4 years shows a massive swing towards Democrats.
    To your point, real votes are worth more than polls, IMO

  7. #5602
    Postin' since Aug '05 Dalak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidfresh512 View Post
    RNC, Trump campaign sue to overturn law that allows counting of ballots up to four days after Election Day

    This is the type of nonsense that should get immediately tossed out imo. If the ballot has the correct dates then it doesn't get tossed. These same idiots would be arguing you cant start counting early also. Its either or. You let them start tabulating before election day or continue counting valid ballots when they are allowed to start counting until they are done in this case 4 days.

    Even entertaining this case in court is stupid.
    Correct, this is ludicrous and should be universally panned.

    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Maiden View Post
    Sen. Tim Scott dodges questions on whether he will accept 2024 Election Results

    Everyone has to kiss the ring of Trump these days. I don't know how they can look themselves in the mirror
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainEurope View Post
    To me, he did not dodge it.
    He very clearly said that if the election result shows Biden winning, they WILL overthrow the government and appoint Trump.

    When asked if they would accept a loss, he said:

    That is not dodging. That is a clear "no we will not accept a loss."
    I agree with Cap here, the GoP is going all-in on it's attacks on democracy & elections. It takes huge blinders to ignore.

    Quote Originally Posted by Robotman View Post
    Of course it will be Hamas. Maybe they’ll wait a while but it will definitely be them.

    This horror show is going exactly like they hoped it would.

    Commit a terrorist attack so brutal that it goads the lunatic Netanyahu into going way overboard with his response and Israel comes off looking like the brutal oppressors and loses support from the west.

    It used to be taboo to even question Israel’s actions but now a whole generation of young people are very much opposed to supporting them.

    This could very well give Trump the election which would throw the world into even more chaos. The point of a terrorist attack is to disrupt, and spread fear and hatred. They obviously know they can’t beat Israel and the west with just firepower. But the Oct 7th attack will have very long lasting effects.
    Yeah, it's pretty clear that despite being burtal Terrorists who don't care about their own people they are finally doing damage to Israel through Netanyahu's overactions.

    Quote Originally Posted by WestPhillyPunisher View Post
    Trump says he’d be willing to go to jail over gag order violations

    Like that old saying goes: Be careful what you wish for, you might get it. Trump wouldn't last thirty minutes in a holding cell before devolving into a sobbing mess, imagine what would happen if he were hauled off to Rikers.
    Quote Originally Posted by babyblob View Post
    I really dont think Trump is scared to go to jail. I mean it is not like he would be in Gen Pop with the drug dealers and gang members. he would be put off by himself and treated with kid gloves. It would not be a normal jail experience. he would have it pretty chill in jail. So no I dont think he is that worried about it. And he would not be there long any way. its not like he would be in there 4 or 5 days.

    And he knows that going to jail would fire up his base and make him look like a martyr of the evil left and their witch hunt. I think he is hoping for a few hours in jail.
    Quote Originally Posted by kidfresh512 View Post
    He will also have Secret Service protection even in jail. So it isn't like he will be in danger.
    For all those who support Trump in jail, there are also a disproportionate number of darker skinned folks who would love a chance to get their hands on him. Any time in Jail is a risk even with Secret Service to protect him.

    Quote Originally Posted by kidfresh512 View Post
    Mother of US soldier detained in Russia says he was visiting girlfriend before arrest

    Yeah you just break up or she comes to you in a safe country sorry not sorry.
    Pretty much this. Unless I had proof she existed and wasn't catfishing I wouldn't even entertain normal international travel let alone to Russia, N Korea, or similar no-go zones.

    Quote Originally Posted by Godzilla2099 View Post
    You're "more upset about military forces harassing innocent people.."

    Are you talking about Israel's Retaliation for the October 7 massacre? Or Pro-Hamas Protestors whining about about the police being 'mean' to them?

    And lets not even get into trying to excuse them for their disrespect to Aushwitz. Grandfather fought in WW2. Went to several events and met some incredible people that includes both a soldier that liberated that camp and a survivor. The horrors they experienced there are something nobody should have to go through.
    Quote Originally Posted by zinderel View Post
    This is horrible. This is ABSOLUTELY anti-semitism, and not pro-Palestinian. I hope they catch and penalize the people who did these things!

    That said, the vast majority are not protesting in favor of Hamas or FOR the destruction of Israel. They are protesting the ongoing dehumanization and eradication of the Palestinian CIVILIAN POPULACE that we are watching Netanyahu grind into the dirt. With our money.

    Defacing a memorial and disrupting a day of remembrance are both terrible. I hope they catch the perpetrators, and they absolutely deserve whatever punishments they get.

    Now it’s your turn to admit that 32,000 dead civilians is not justifiable retribution for 1,200, under ANY circumstance.
    Quote Originally Posted by Godzilla2099 View Post
    It is extremely difficult to deal with the Hamas and not have civilian casualties. They intentionally run their military operations in schools and hospitals, when they launched thousands of rockets on October 7th, they could care less where they hit as long as it killed Jews, when they invaded Israel they weren't going after soldiers, they chose to target civilians, specifically women and babies (even Biden had to be shown evidence of them literally beheading babies).

    So of course Israel is pissed off. Any country that went through that would be. They gave Gaza a warning they're sending a Military Strike and told the civilians to evacuate. The Hamas wouldn't let them go because they needed human shields and of course when they're killed they try to play the victim card (and sadly many idiots bought it)

    I'm not completely excusing Israel (I watched a video of an Israeli Soldier shooting an unarmed Palestine Grandmother right in front of her 6 year old grandchild that was trying to evacuate. He should be executed for war crimes) but if those Pro-Hamas morons want to waste time (because their stunts only cause disruptions, not make a genuine difference) and blame the party for these civilian deaths, then look at the Hamas, not Israel.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zelena View Post
    I don’t excuse anything… Hurt feelings, disrespect… it comes and goes away. You know what you owe to the ones who are not there anymore, better than anyone else. These latter, no harm can be done to them anymore.

    But there are deaths that are happening in the present day that could have been prevented. It infuriates me.
    Quote Originally Posted by zinderel View Post
    You’re right, that there is an important distinction. Netanyahu isn’t acting out of any sense of retribution. That’s just his excuse for committing genocide and war crimes in the name of Israel.

    Like you do for the American far right, though, you’ll prevaricate and distract, and play semantics until the people you don’t care about are dead at the hands of the people you support, politically.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gray Lensman View Post
    Netenyahu I believe is doing this for his own political survival. The moment peace breaks out, he is done, and will avoid it at all costs.
    Quote Originally Posted by zinderel View Post
    I agree.

    I wonder how many dead Palestinian children it will take to finally end one man’s political career.
    To be clear, Israel's actions stopped being retaliatory and became punishment more than 10k dead civilians ago. Considering how according to reports at the time Israel was also preventing Palestinian civilians from leaving and instead told them to go stand in the corner to wait to be bombed, it's not truthful to claim only Hamas is responsible for the civilian deaths in Gaza. I said at the time that Israel could have evacuated the civilians to a separate area on land already granted to the Palestinians where they'd be unarmed and unable to attack anyone using international good will & donations. Instead Netty & the Military committed war crimes and are enacting a campaign of genocide considering they're currently ignoring a cease-fire.

    I don't think protesting like this at events to honor victims of genocide isn't right or going to help anyone in any way. I also think that anyone seriously suggesting that terrorists who have shown they are more than willing to kill their own people for power & greed should/would surrender to be executed by the ones they hate the most isn't looking at things rationally.

  8. #5603
    Postin' since Aug '05 Dalak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Maiden View Post
    I still don't understand why the Stormy Daniel case is taking place and we still don't really know when or if a trial about January 6th will ever happen. I hate to think Trump never will face the music for that.
    At this point I don't expect to see anything done in this case, as if you play by the rules the side breaking them wins 99/100.

    Quote Originally Posted by Username taken View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Tuck View Post
    Didn't Smith threaten to report her to some review board if she kept playing loose with the rules?
    Quote Originally Posted by WestPhillyPunisher View Post
    In court related matters, first in Manhattan:

    Judge Warns Trump Attorney About Audible ‘Cursing’ As Stormy Daniels Testifies

    “You need to speak to him," Judge Juan Merchan told the former president's attorney. "I won’t tolerate that.” Trump continues being an idiot and pushing his luck with Merchan.


    Meanwhile, down in Florida....

    Donald Trump's Classified Documents Trial Is Postponed Indefinitely

    The federal judge in Florida who decided on the postponement is a Trump nominee. Show of hands if you're surprised. Thought as much.
    Proof of the above, but I hope that something gets done about Judge Cannon considering her blatant bias & unprofessional behavior.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirby101 View Post
    Another thing Biden has done for the country.

    It's a shame people don't see how much he has done. I guess the Press might mention this between articles about him being old.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirby101 View Post
    Inflation in the US is under 3%. The US under Biden did better to curb inflation than most of the industrial countries. Inflation was Global.
    Wages are up, over inflation and unemployment isxat a record low.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gray Lensman View Post
    There's only one thing that will make inflation any lower. Guillotines.

    Lop off a few billionaire heads and I'm pretty sure that prices will magically go down.
    There are legitimate things to blame Biden for, but impossible in the case of not forcing companies to lower their prices and/or provide more product instead of shrinking the amount they sell. He's doing amazing things for the economy that will never help everyone, but some would rather pretend that he's not doing anything for biased political reasons.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wildling View Post
    Jesse Watters, Tucker Carlson's replacement at Fox News, fantasized about Trump getting a work out and a prison body after going to jail.

    I know conservatives love to detach themselves from reality but if Cadet Bone Spurs didn't become Punisher in Vietnam, he's not going to become the bodybuilder, full of tattoos types Bill and Ted became when sent to prison in their second movie. His only sport is golf, which you'd think would be the most ivory tower elite sport macho types would decry. Other than the Happy Gilmore Bob Barker fight I think dart throwing is cooler.
    Trump couldn't get ripped if you handed him to She-Hulk and told her to tear him in half.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tendrin View Post

    Downballot damage wrought by Republican extremism continues to manifest in the oddest places.
    A better sign, but I still don't trust today's voters with all the thumbs already on the scales.

    While not the best thing, I hope this alerts Netty that the US isn't going to keep providing him a blank check to kill.

    Quote Originally Posted by WestPhillyPunisher View Post
    When Biden was a Senator and lived in Delaware, he regularly took Amtrak to and from Washington. He understands the importance of railroads and how woefully far the U.S. is behind countries like Japan, England, France, Italy, Germany, South Korea, etc when it comes to high speed rail systems. I know someone who visited Japan and rode the Shinkansen (bullet train), he said that makes Amtrak's Acela look pathetic. I applaud Biden for wanting to invest in railroads.

    The glaring chasm between the rich and the poor has been around since this country was formed, and it's not going away anytime soon, if at all. The best any president can do is to address the inequity and do all he can to alleviate it, which is what Biden is trying to do, Trump, on the other hand won't give a damn about those struggling people, we saw that first hand during the COVID crisis, he'll just pass through more tax cuts for the wealthy while gnawing away at what freedoms the rest of us still have.
    Anyone who thinks Trump gives a shit about anyone other than himself who's not A: in a direct position to benefit him or B: in a position to cause him trouble, is drinking the koolaid.

  9. #5604
    Astonishing Member hyped78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dalak View Post
    Instead Netty & the Military committed war crimes and are enacting a campaign of genocide considering they're currently ignoring a cease-fire.
    What ceasefire? The one they didn't agree to? The proposal that Hamas 'agreed' to wasn't the one that Israel had proposed/agreed to. "ignoring a cease-fire" is effectively fake news, a ceasefire needs to be agreed on by both parties.

    "Behind the scenes: Three Israeli officials said the Hamas announcement on Monday surprised the Israeli government and that Israel didn't receive the text of the group's response from the mediators until an hour after Hamas released its statement.
    When the Israelis read Hamas' response, they were surprised to see it contained "many new elements" that were not part of the previous proposal that Israel agreed on and that was presented to Hamas by the U.S., Egypt and Qatar ten days ago, the officials said.
    "It looked like a whole new proposal," one official said.
    Two senior Israeli officials said that when the Hamas delegation was in Cairo over the weekend, the Egyptians gave them a new proposal without coordinating with Israel.
    A source with knowledge of the negotiations said the U.S. invited the Israelis to Cairo over the weekend but they chose not to send a team. One Israeli official admitted it was a mistake that led Israel to have less visibility into the talks."

    Your own US Administration said it was reviewing the ceasefire proposal that Hamas had accepted - AFTER they accepted it:

    "US 'reviewing' ceasefire proposal Hamas has accepted
    The national security spokesperson, John Kirby, is at the podium taking reporters’ questions for the daily briefing.
    Kirby said the US was “currently reviewing” the ceasefire deal that Hamas has said it accepted.
    “We’re discussing it with our partners in the region,” he said, and noted that CIA director William Burns was in the region working to reach a deal to temporarily halt the hostilities.
    Kirby added that he wouldn’t be able to comment any further on this “until we know where things stand”."

    And 13 minutes ago:
    "White House says talks on possible truce, hostage deal are ongoing
    By Reuters and ToI Staff
    Talks aimed at reaching a Gaza truce-for-hostages deal are ongoing, and Israel and Hamas are close enough to an agreement that they should be able to close the gaps, the White House says.
    Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tells reporters aboard Air Force One, as President Joe Biden flies to Wisconsin, that Biden has confidence in his team helping the negotiations.
    CIA chief William Burns is currently in Israel, and met earlier today with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in talks aimed at advancing the negotiations."

    "Kirby said the Palestinian militant group Hamas had offered amendments on Monday to an original Israeli proposal aimed at ending the impasse."

    Why aren't protestors just asking for Hamas to surrender, so this can end?
    Last edited by hyped78; 05-08-2024 at 08:46 AM.

  10. #5605
    Astonishing Member
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    R.F.K. Jr. Says Doctors Found a Dead Worm in His Brain

    In 2010, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was experiencing memory loss and mental fogginess so severe that a friend grew concerned he might have a brain tumor. Mr. Kennedy said he consulted several of the country’s top neurologists, many of whom had either treated or spoken to his uncle, Senator Edward M. Kennedy, before his death the previous year of brain cancer.

    Several doctors noticed a dark spot on the younger Mr. Kennedy’s brain scans and concluded that he had a tumor, he said in a 2012 deposition reviewed by The New York Times. Mr. Kennedy was immediately scheduled for a procedure at Duke University Medical Center by the same surgeon who had operated on his uncle, he said.

    While packing for the trip, he said, he received a call from a doctor at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital who had a different opinion: Mr. Kennedy, he believed, had a dead parasite in his head.

    The doctor believed that the abnormality seen on his scans “was caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died,” Mr. Kennedy said in the deposition.
    You know....if part of your brain has been eaten by worms...why are you on anyone's ballot for President. That is all I will say
    Last edited by kidfresh512; 05-08-2024 at 08:50 AM.

  11. #5606
    Mighty Member zinderel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hyped78 View Post
    What ceasefire? The one they didn't agree to? The proposal that Hamas 'agreed' to wasn't the one that Israel had proposed/agreed to. "ignoring a cease-fire" is effectively fake news, a ceasefire needs to be agreed on by both parties.

    "Behind the scenes: Three Israeli officials said the Hamas announcement on Monday surprised the Israeli government and that Israel didn't receive the text of the group's response from the mediators until an hour after Hamas released its statement.
    When the Israelis read Hamas' response, they were surprised to see it contained "many new elements" that were not part of the previous proposal that Israel agreed on and that was presented to Hamas by the U.S., Egypt and Qatar ten days ago, the officials said.
    "It looked like a whole new proposal," one official said.
    Two senior Israeli officials said that when the Hamas delegation was in Cairo over the weekend, the Egyptians gave them a new proposal without coordinating with Israel.
    A source with knowledge of the negotiations said the U.S. invited the Israelis to Cairo over the weekend but they chose not to send a team. One Israeli official admitted it was a mistake that led Israel to have less visibility into the talks."

    Your own US Administration said it was reviewing the ceasefire proposal that Hamas had accepted - AFTER they accepted it:

    "US 'reviewing' ceasefire proposal Hamas has accepted
    The national security spokesperson, John Kirby, is at the podium taking reporters’ questions for the daily briefing.
    Kirby said the US was “currently reviewing” the ceasefire deal that Hamas has said it accepted.
    “We’re discussing it with our partners in the region,” he said, and noted that CIA director William Burns was in the region working to reach a deal to temporarily halt the hostilities.
    Kirby added that he wouldn’t be able to comment any further on this “until we know where things stand”."

    And 13 minutes ago:
    "White House says talks on possible truce, hostage deal are ongoing
    By Reuters and ToI Staff
    Talks aimed at reaching a Gaza truce-for-hostages deal are ongoing, and Israel and Hamas are close enough to an agreement that they should be able to close the gaps, the White House says.
    Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tells reporters aboard Air Force One, as President Joe Biden flies to Wisconsin, that Biden has confidence in his team helping the negotiations.
    CIA chief William Burns is currently in Israel, and met earlier today with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in talks aimed at advancing the negotiations."

    "Kirby said the Palestinian militant group Hamas had offered amendments on Monday to an original Israeli proposal aimed at ending the impasse."

    Why aren't protestors just asking for Hamas to surrender, so this can end?
    Because Netanyahu keeps committing war crimes in front of everyone, making it harder and harder to just 'side with israel', if you don't want to be associated with genocide and war crimes?

    Maybe because people like you keep ignoring Netanyahu's crimes, because it's easier to blame Hamas for everything than it is to accept that Netanyahu is committing genocide and war crimes in Israel's name, and using Hamas' general awfulness as an excuse?

    Maybe because the tactic of calling everyone who even gently criticized Israel over the years an 'anti-semite' is finally backfiring as the entire world watches Israel's military commit atrocities at Netanyahu's orders? I mean, there's no way that Israel just shrugs all of this off the way they did their attack on the USS Liberty, even with people running flak for them. This isn't deliberately bombing an ally. This is attempting to eradicate an entire people. And we have videos and first hand accounts from witnesses and survivors and the whole world is watching (when not distracted by the Met Gala or the latest season of Survivor or American Idol).

    Maybe because Israel's own actions are why people are criticizing them, and not just heaping all of the blame and responsibility on the Palestinians that Netanyahu hates so much...
    Last edited by zinderel; 05-08-2024 at 09:26 AM.

  12. #5607
    Old school comic book fan WestPhillyPunisher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidfresh512 View Post
    R.F.K. Jr. Says Doctors Found a Dead Worm in His Brain

    You know....if part of your brain has been eaten by worms...why are you on anyone's ballot for President. That is all I will say
    A caustic SOB would say that worm died for lack of proper nutrition, in other starved to death. But hey, I'm not a caustic SOB.
    Avatar: Here's to the late, great Steve Dillon. Best. Punisher. Artist. EVER!

  13. #5608
    Astonishing Member hyped78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zinderel View Post
    Because Netanyahu keeps committing war crimes in front of everyone, making it harder and harder to just 'side with israel', if you don't want to be associated with genocide and war crimes?

    Maybe because people like you keep ignoring Netanyahu's crimes, because it's easier to blame Hamas for everything than it is to accept that Netanyahu is committing genocide and war crimes in Israel's name, and using Hamas' general awfulness as an excuse?

    Maybe because the tactic of calling everyone who even gently criticized Israel over the years an 'anti-semite' is finally backfiring as the entire world watches Israel's military commit atrocities at Netanyahu's orders? I mean, there's no way that Israel just shrugs all of this off the way they did their attack on the USS Liberty, even with people running flak for them. This isn't deliberately bombing an ally. This is attempting to eradicate an entire people. And we have videos and first hand accounts from witnesses and survivors and the whole world is watching (when not distracted by the Met Gala or the latest season of Survivor or American Idol).

    Maybe because Israel's own actions are why people are criticizing them, and not just heaping all of the blame and responsibility on the Palestinians that Netanyahu hates so much...
    I'm not calling most protestors anti-semite (even though some bad actor protestors clearly are) and I'm certainly not a fan of Netanyahu (not sure another Israeli leader would act much differently, though).

    But are you naive enough that you think there will be a sustainable ceasefire while Hamas still exists? With terrorists in power?

    Israel have stated several times that when Hamas surrender this is over. So do you think that there can be a ceasefire, peace and a two-state solution with Hamas in charge of the Gaza Strip? Really?

    So, again, why aren't protestors calling for Hamas to surrender? Why aren't you calling for Hamas to surrender? You think Hamas has a right to exist and to rule the Gaza Strip after all of this?

    1) Hamas surrenders, 2) Hostages are returned, 3) Israel pulls out of Gaza, 4) Courts and/or Democratic processes in Israel take care of Netanyahu, 5) Negotiations for a two-state solution
    Last edited by hyped78; 05-08-2024 at 09:49 AM.

  14. #5609
    Mighty Member zinderel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hyped78 View Post
    I'm not calling most protestors anti-semite (even though some bad actor protestors clearly are) and I'm certainly not a fan of Netanyahu (not sure another Israeli leader would act much differently, though).

    But are you naive enough that you think there will be a sustainable ceasefire while Hamas still exists? With terrorists in power?

    Israel have stated several times that when Hamas surrender this is over. So do you think that there can be a ceasefire, peace and a two-state solution with Hamas in charge of the Gaza Strip? Really?

    So, again, why aren't protestors calling for Hamas to surrender? Why aren't you calling for Hamas to surrender? You think Hamas has a right to exist and to rule the Gaza Strip after all of this?

    1) Hamas surrenders, 2) Hostages are returned, 3) Israel pulls out of Gaza, 4) Courts and/or Democratic processes in Israel take care of Netanyahu, 5) Negotiations for a two-state solution
    I, and most people with eyeballs and ears, do not trust Netanyahu to honor any agreement with people he doesn’t consider human.

    Hamas MUST surrender.

    Netanyahu MUST be tried for war crimes.

    Those TWO things are necessary for any hope of peace.

  15. #5610
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    Quote Originally Posted by hyped78 View Post
    What ceasefire? The one they didn't agree to? The proposal that Hamas 'agreed' to wasn't the one that Israel had proposed/agreed to. "ignoring a cease-fire" is effectively fake news, a ceasefire needs to be agreed on by both parties.

    "Behind the scenes: Three Israeli officials said the Hamas announcement on Monday surprised the Israeli government and that Israel didn't receive the text of the group's response from the mediators until an hour after Hamas released its statement.
    When the Israelis read Hamas' response, they were surprised to see it contained "many new elements" that were not part of the previous proposal that Israel agreed on and that was presented to Hamas by the U.S., Egypt and Qatar ten days ago, the officials said.
    "It looked like a whole new proposal," one official said.
    Two senior Israeli officials said that when the Hamas delegation was in Cairo over the weekend, the Egyptians gave them a new proposal without coordinating with Israel.
    A source with knowledge of the negotiations said the U.S. invited the Israelis to Cairo over the weekend but they chose not to send a team. One Israeli official admitted it was a mistake that led Israel to have less visibility into the talks."

    Your own US Administration said it was reviewing the ceasefire proposal that Hamas had accepted - AFTER they accepted it:

    "US 'reviewing' ceasefire proposal Hamas has accepted
    The national security spokesperson, John Kirby, is at the podium taking reporters’ questions for the daily briefing.
    Kirby said the US was “currently reviewing” the ceasefire deal that Hamas has said it accepted.
    “We’re discussing it with our partners in the region,” he said, and noted that CIA director William Burns was in the region working to reach a deal to temporarily halt the hostilities.
    Kirby added that he wouldn’t be able to comment any further on this “until we know where things stand”."

    And 13 minutes ago:
    "White House says talks on possible truce, hostage deal are ongoing
    By Reuters and ToI Staff
    Talks aimed at reaching a Gaza truce-for-hostages deal are ongoing, and Israel and Hamas are close enough to an agreement that they should be able to close the gaps, the White House says.
    Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tells reporters aboard Air Force One, as President Joe Biden flies to Wisconsin, that Biden has confidence in his team helping the negotiations.
    CIA chief William Burns is currently in Israel, and met earlier today with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in talks aimed at advancing the negotiations."

    "Kirby said the Palestinian militant group Hamas had offered amendments on Monday to an original Israeli proposal aimed at ending the impasse."

    Why aren't protestors just asking for Hamas to surrender, so this can end?
    Because the conflict didn't start October 7th.

    People following the situation had for many years described the situation as powder keg waiting to explode and it ultimately did.
    Last edited by Username taken; 05-08-2024 at 10:13 AM.

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