I don't see the point in Daniel Captio when Batman already has Hugo Strange. Then again, I don't see the point in a lot of what Zdarsky is doing with Batman.

Savage taking over as mayor is more in his tyrannical nature as opposed to him settling for being commissioner but I guess Zdarsky is trying to avoid the comparisons to Fisk when he was mayor.

I'm pretty much over Zur Failsafe, mainly due to seeing no appeal towards him. I'm more than ready for Batman to move on face someone else, practically anyone else at this point.

I wanted to be intrigued with Amanda Waller's involvement but I couldn't, probably because it's practically a given at this point.

Then there's Batman's new look which ironically is not a good look for him at all. About the only thing I did like about Batman 147 was the back up featuring the Riddler and that's about it.