Quote Originally Posted by UncannySurge View Post
This Universe is very different than the 616. Hi no Kuni (Japan, North and South Korea) is led by the Sun Emperor, Silver Samurai, and Viper as the Harada-Yoshida Alliance. We don't know if the average citizen is aware of the existence of mutants yet. They probably view them as some kind of living gods since most of the one's we're familiar with probably don't exist in this world, and I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I think that's an interesting place to begin, and see how people react as more of them start to appear. Will they be hated and feared, or viewed as the answer to their prayers when they inevitably rebel against this imperial regime?

In the next issue we're getting Mei's backstory, and we'll see some of what's been going on in Ultimate Black Panther from her perspective.

By issue 5 we know Momoko-sensei is introducing Surge, and I think she might end up having a similar relationship to the Sun Emperor that she did in 616's House of M timeline but we'll have to wait and see.

Either way I'm still excited, and I'm sorry you haven't been enjoying the series so far.
I get that this universe is different. That has been clear since it began in Ultimate Invasion. But every other Ultimate title has managed to build on it in a way that actually works in that it contributes to the larger narrative of Ultimate.

But Ultimate X-Men does none of that.

At no point does it mention Hi no Kuni.

At no point does it mention the Sun Emperor, Silver Samurai, or Viper.

At no point does it mention the Maker, the Maker's Council, or how any events surrounding them have affect the series.

At no point does it mention mutants in any capacity, even indirectly. Both Mei and Hisako's powers might as well be Harry Potter style magic. There's no distinction.

Again, the title of the book is Ultimate X-Men. A key part of X-Men isn't just about mutants. It's about people being born with powers, facing hatred and fear, and having to navigate that hostile world. You don't need Charles Xavier, Wolverine, or a mansion to tell that story. But you do need the actual concept.

And at no point does Ultimate X-Men have any of that.

Seriously, if Momoko wanted to tell an X-Men story that didn't involve mutants, the struggle of mutants, or how mutants exist in this new Ultimate Universe...why the hell even call it Ultimate X-Men?

That is an honest question.