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  1. #46
    All-New, All-Different Mighty Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Maiden View Post
    IMO What happened in HoM when Wanda said "No More Mutants" does not constitute genocide. It was a rewrite of reality with some peculiarly selective outcomes cherrypicked by the writer. A reboot or reality rewrite should simply have given those with the mutant gene a different reality where they were not born a mutant. Because that's usually how these things work. Typically, they wouldn't even have memories of being a mutant in the first place.
    As far as I know, didn't the Mutants just lose their powers? Their powers weren't erased from history, they just lost them, no reality rewrites necessary.

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiamatty View Post
    There's no need to retcon out Pym slapping Jan, and in fact, I think it would be a terrible idea.
    Perhaps but constantly bringing it up decades after the fact isn't any better. Hell,, thanks to OMD Peter hitting MJ and nearly killing her and their unborn child is no longer in continuity.

  3. #48
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    Too many X-titles. The line needs to be re-launched
    I never understood Janet Van Dyne
    Dan Slott's Spider-man is the best its been in years
    Sam Alexander's book is kind of interesting
    Iron Man hasn't been interesting since the Micheline/Layton era
    Waid's Daredevil is over-rated
    Fraction's Hawkeye is over-rated
    Uncanny Avengers is a great book
    Spider-man's marriage aged the character

    and the most controversial

    I'm enjoying Bendis GoTG more than the previous volumes.....yeah, I said it.

  4. #49
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    Wonder Man is awesome. Writers just forgot that.

    I like most of the comics I read every week. If I don't like one, I put it up and move on to the next.

    Marvel isn't out to destroy the X-Men.

    Marvel doesn't get their jollies by creating divides in the fanbase.

    Avengers readers and X-Men readers used to be Marvel Readers, who supported both franchises. We need to move back to that.

    Some of you take this shit way too seriously.

  5. #50
    Shou-Lao The Bitch Dragon Iron Fist's Avatar
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    I really wouldn't be upset if they do end up merging the mutants and inhumans.

    I feel like the X-Men are running out of steam and the Inhumans could really use a time to shine.

  6. #51
    BANNED dragonmp93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SickAlice View Post
    All right I'll put a toe in the shallow end. You all might want to make sure your seated for this.

    - I really enjoyed the Daredevil and Elektra movies. I also like the Thomas Jane Punisher movie a lot and thought and it was my favorite of any made.

    * unfolds umbrella and holds it over face *
    Quote Originally Posted by Username taken View Post
    Too many X-titles. The line needs to be re-launched
    I never understood Janet Van Dyne
    Dan Slott's Spider-man is the best its been in years
    Sam Alexander's book is kind of interesting
    Iron Man hasn't been interesting since the Micheline/Layton era
    Waid's Daredevil is over-rated
    Fraction's Hawkeye is over-rated
    Uncanny Avengers is a great book
    Spider-man's marriage aged the character

    and the most controversial

    I'm enjoying Bendis GoTG more than the previous volumes.....yeah, I said it.

  7. #52
    Father Son Kamehameha < Kuwagaton's Avatar
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    Namor, hulk, and Daredevil are the truest trinity.

    I love many of the ideas and stories, but spider-man jumped the shark with getting married. Divorcing him by way of devil was not a remedy, though.

    The Avengers and Inhumans combined will never be as good as the X-Men when they're allowed to be good, and Marvel knows this.

    a reboot is beyond necessary

  8. #53
    Fantastic Member Fifolet's Avatar
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    I'll give this a try.

    - Simon Spurrier is the best writer currently at Marvel.
    - Uncanny Avengers was one of Marvel's best books until it got to Planet X.
    - Dark Reign was Marvel best period of comics in the last 20-30 years.
    - Everyone talks about X-Men continuity being convoluted and complicated, but it's a breeze compared to Spider-Man's. I can't think of another Marvel character that endured so many terrible retcons and story arcs. It's a mental exercise to read a spider-man comic and selectively pick what to dismiss and accept.
    - Elektra by Blackman and Del Mundo is amazing.
    - James Robinson's Fantastic Four is a very good run.
    - I don't understand all the fuss about starkat.
    - I liked Marvel Ultimate line and don't understand why it was essentially allowed to die.
    - Walking Dead tv show is horrible and a shadow of the source material.
    - Guardians of the Galaxy is a deeply flawed movie and totally overrated.
    - Loki is the only good antagonist in MCU. Marvel really need to work on that.
    - Continuity is not the big bad bogey man some lazy writers and editors paint it to be. In fact, it's both DC and Marvel best friend. It's what made them the giants they are today and what will keep Image and others a very distant third place in terms of massive appeal.
    - The only positive reboot ever was Crisis of Infinite Earths.
    - The idea that teen mutants books don't sell is a fallacy.
    - Hope Summers character was mostly ruined after second coming. Cable should have remained dead and Hope taken his role in the x-titles.
    - Multiple versions of the same character running about in the same reality only weakens the strength of the original. Always did, always will.

  9. #54
    Extraordinary Member vitruvian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Z View Post
    Perhaps but constantly bringing it up decades after the fact isn't any better. Hell,, thanks to OMD Peter hitting MJ and nearly killing her and their unborn child is no longer in continuity.
    Where's that ever been stated? On the contrary, I remember them swearing up and down that the marriage was the only difference and every other aspect of those stories is as published... including that blow, and the pregnancy, and the theft of the miscarried child that led to the discovery of Aunt May by circuitous means.

  10. #55
    Latverian ambassador Iron Maiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mighty Roman View Post
    As far as I know, didn't the Mutants just lose their powers? Their powers weren't erased from history, they just lost them, no reality rewrites necessary.
    This point has probably caused the most contentious arguments over the years on the MB. In Bendis's story, all we see is a giraffe neck lady dying because her mutant powers allowed her to stand without breaking her neck. Then there were some flying mutants that lost their powers while flying over a volanco. Then it started to proliferate in the X-title until it finally got to the point were there was an Excalibur story that declares what she did had caused a mutant genocide across the multiverse. So then the death toll, depending on what comic you read, rolled into the billions. Tom Brevoort has been asked about this on his Tumblr Q&A and has said maybe a few hundred died but apparently wasn't even aware what was going on the in the X titles. So this has been a large part of the reason why there is this schism that sets fandom against fandom.

    But the HoM effect was written in a terribly inconsistent manner. You had the dead coming back to life, etc. some characters remember HoM (you had to be in the lucky spot, near Dr. Strange's protective spell IIRC) , some don't. etc. And on top of that, the multiversal effect meant a big, heretofore unseen power level for Wanda, which Heinberg attempted to explain in Children's Crusade. Wanda even having that kind of power on a planetary level is something that came out of nowhere.

    Neither fan group was well served but it is the source for contention for years. Wanda was taken out of comics for going on a decade. The mutant population has slowly been adjusted over a period of time. I do agree that the mutant population had been getting a bit unrealistic and made the X Men less unique but HoM was a sledgehammer solution.

  11. #56
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    The Sentry should have been a bad guy from the start.

    Tony stark should have stayed dead.

    Black Panther should kill Namor

    Woleverine should stay dead for at least a decade.

    Events are crap from either company for the most part

    I thought the avengers movie was crap and Loki was a lame villain.

    I love Man Of Steel

    X-men Days Of Future Past, Captain America Winter Soldier, Big Hero Sex were all better than Gaurdians Of The Galaxy.

    I pefer Superhero tv shows and cartoons over the big budget movies.

    The whole Marvel vs DC thing has always been stupid to and childish to me.

    As a company Marvel is highly overrated but I still enjoy some of their stories.
    Last edited by JohnDiggle; 03-03-2015 at 08:13 AM.

  12. #57
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    At the moment, Miles>616 Peter.
    I'm interested in the Inhumans and don't think that Marvel are trying to replace the X-men.
    Double-shipping/a weekly release schedule would be beneficial to a lot of Marvel books.
    Dan Slott has been on ASM far too long and needs to leave (can't tell if this is an unpopular one or not, opinions seem to vary on Slott).
    I hope Battleworld does remain as the main universe after Secret Wars ends, but they'll need to kill off a lot of characters to make that work.
    Marvel don't need to deliberately hire minority writers/artists, but they should ensure the cast of their books is diverse (as they are doing now).
    Spider-Verse could have been great, but the ending sucked.
    Ultimate Reed Richards is currently the most interesting villain Marvel have.

  13. #58
    Astonishing Member Of Atlantis's Avatar
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    Here we go

    - Jessica Jones ruined Luke Cage
    - Cyclops has finally become interesting
    - Remender is a great writer
    - Spider-Gwen is massively overrated
    - Winter Soldier's been mishandled since Brubaker left
    - Kate Bishop eventually ruined Hawkeye's book
    - Teen heroes and their teen problems are cliche and, like omg, stereotypical teen drama drivel
    - Movie synergy in comics will slowly become worse and more shameless
    - Rebranding Carol Danvers pretty much doomed the character
    - Marvel needs to work harder to push their B-list characters instead of just favouring their cash cows
    Last edited by Of Atlantis; 01-26-2018 at 09:49 AM.

  14. #59
    Extraordinary Member Nomads1's Avatar
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    There was another thread like this but it mostly foccussed on Avengers opinions.


    First some comments before I throw in my two cents.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pharozonk View Post
    The Marvel universe hasn't been interesting since around 2002.
    Can't say I disagree with this. Can't say at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dopliss View Post
    I like the Avengers more than the X-Men.
    That being said, i like Hickman's books, but they really should not be called Avengers books, they don't "feel" like the classic Avengers that made me love the Marvel Universe.
    Nor this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kusanagi View Post
    Mighty Avengers is the best Avengers
    Unarguably, but I still miss a REAL Avengers book. Have been ever since Geoff Johns' run ended.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pat Thomas View Post
    Wonder Man is awesome. Writers just forgot that.

    Avengers readers and X-Men readers used to be Marvel Readers, who supported both franchises. We need to move back to that.

    Some of you take this shit way too seriously.
    Hell, yeah!

    Now, for some of my opinions:

    - John Ostrander's version of Luke Cage was the best ever. Bendis ruined the character.

    - Cyclops was always a cool dude, people simply never took notice of this.

    - Stories nowadays may be technically better written (in some cases), but nothing today caan compare to the boldness, the creativity of stories from before the Quesada era.

    - Marvel publishing divison needs to stop being run by lawyers and markeers and give its reins back to writers and editors.

    More may follow.


  15. #60
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    More controversial opinions:

    I read Avengers and X-men comics. Some of us are Marvel fans and don't subscribe to the absurd division of fan bases
    Teen superhero books (apart from Avengers Arena) have been horrible
    Spider-Gwen wasn't very good

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