Quote Originally Posted by Killerbee911 View Post
Ugh that is so disappointing I didn't remember that they had this dope complex story and they go "nah" let just give her the ninja stuff and the body. Psylocke having to deal with memories and life that aren't hers is amazing set up. I kinda realize for me now imo what was missing from Psylocke life. Psylocke having to interact with Kwannon Family(friends) and maybe that family over time growing to accept her as family is interesting angle. Well opportunity missed I think giving Psylocke some of those memories would give her that connection to other half of her and at least for me seem less like a British woman inhabiting a asian womens body. Of course hindsight is 20/20 they could have handle this story so much better.
Exactly. Though truthfully if they weren't reverting her this is a story they still could have told.