Without knowing what exactly Disassembled is...

I really want the X-men to get rid of some of the duplicate powers/characters... I know many may not be fond of this idea. But I truly feel its weighing down the line.

The Fire Nation:
We had Sunfire, Firestar, Firefist and Magma. Did we need Pyro II? Sunpyre? Match? Oya?
Moreso, considering the Human Torch and Toro are out there, and whoever else.

Earth Kingdom:
Bling, Rockslide, Onyxx?

Jean, Rachel, Hope...

Mental cases with attitude:
X and Quentin Quire...

Random powers:
Lifeguard and Darwin...

Forge and Box...

Anyone who is invulnerable and strong.

Nightcrawler, Magik, Vanisher and Blink... and the other one who can teleport through doors...

Triage and Elixir...

... are way too numerous...

Namor alone has this issue with Namora and Namorita/Kymaera... but that's not really an Xmen problem.

I know I'm missing a few... but I wish the writers instead of always creating new... use or adapt existing if you want that powerset in your book. Not against new... just a not a copy or a gender swap...