Quote Originally Posted by Vibranium Weave View Post
If this video is correct, I fear for the future of T'Challa & Wakanda in the MCU......


Can BP fans have nice things?

If this video is right, it looks like Marvel Studios realized that they underutilized BP in Avengers 3 & 4, so they will make up for it by adding to his squeal .
This is the same rumor we discussed last week. Somehow, despite the fact that Coogler hasn't even said that he's finished the script, some random guy on Twitter knows the details. At best, it's shotgun speculation: Throwing out as many guesses based on the comics they can to increase their profile.

"This guy knows somebody! He reported the inside scoop?"

Ever notice they never report the WRONG guesses?

At worst, tho, this is wish-fulfillment masquerading as journalism. They want to see Namor/Doom/Storm/Goon Slam Gary/whomever, so they invent inside knowledge to promote their pet headcanon.

Unless I hear it from Coogler, Feige, or Boseman, (or see it in a trailer) I'm going to take ALL these rumors with a metric ton of salt. I strongly suggest you do the same.