Quote Originally Posted by Devaishwarya View Post
Advocating for the Devil here....

Was she doing anything proactive for Africa/the Continent? Or...just being the local Weather Girl for any village who needed it?
And as per Xavier's pitch...she did find and embraced her role and place in the world (and Universe) at large...a question she herself wrestled with but ultimately came to terms with.
She wasn't doing anything comprehensive but was helping out where possible, which means she was doing her part. It's clear many found her efforts worthwhile so while she was indulging in her Weather Girl reputation, Storm did improve the lives of thousands of Kenyans. But I agree, she found a calling more impactful than just being a local deity. If she didn't become the woman that she did, how many times would the Earth (including her worshippers) been destroyed? Still though, there's room for a bit more balance in her obligations to the mutant cause and the people she left behind. How writers should approach that (if they even wanted to go that route) is up to debate.