Quote Originally Posted by XPac View Post
It's easy to view it as a zero sum game, when there's never been a minority female leading an mcu movie, and it's quite possible there never will be.

Its harsh .. but from purely the perspective of those who want to see a female lead, Shuri is their best and arguably only shot. I guess Storm is a possibility but they are a long ways from that. So I get it ... I don't necessarily agree with it, but I get it.

Not that it matters one way or the other since I doubt that will be Cooglers deciding factor.
I understand the lack of representation, however the answer isn't to try and canalize the franchise that, as chief mentioned, carried Black Female representation on its back and did so more than any other superhero movie or arguably most movies in general have done. You demand for those existing characters to have the chance to be brought to life. No one that bp would become a cultural movement, no one thought Luke Cage would break Netflix. They are examples of what can be done when a hungry and mostly underrepresented demographic is given the same care as other franchises. Explore that. Its also why I am not super keen on having characters race bent as some sort of solution to lack of diversity. Is it better than nothing? Yes. But I would rather actual poc characters and heroes get their due rather than being a supporting cast on a predominantly white cast to fill a check box