Quote Originally Posted by Ezyo1000 View Post
Not to knock anybody, but some of the art o have seen in books ( bp included) I know I can match up to if not surpass. And it's not to say they are bad, I have been drawing off and on for over 15 years. But I do know I could hang quality wise. Speed is a different story though, but that again could also be how much time I have available as well.
Before we went out with PRODIGAL, Todd Harris and i went to our LCS to take a long hard look at the shelves and who we thought we could beat in a stand-up fight. We scored our work in the upper 10% of all competing pros.

That was enough to get us going.

Three months later of working only after "real work" hours, we had Prodigal and we had a deal with an indie publisher.

people used to ask me why Todd drew the books since i can draw myself.

"Because i want people to BUY the books," was the answer. Todd's a hell of a storyteller but he wasn't confident of his abilities as a WRITER. so we teamed up.

this is todd -> BROCASSO you'll hear him get a shoutout on the director's commentary of Ragnarok.

everyone who can play should play. if they want to. that's all i'm saying.