Quote Originally Posted by Ezyo1000 View Post
My fear is that they would essentially pull what happened to the OG white tiger. Kill him off despite having been around for 30~ years or so and having his sister take over. So then comics side pulls that if the sequel is successful. Just kills off a 59+ year old character and moves on with the claim that Wakanda is bigger than T'Challa or it's a mantle or whatever other nonsense they spew
Yeah I hear what you're saying. I make no bones about wishing the sequel makes an equally strong impact as the first movie, but in the opposite direction! Marvel needs to feel the pain enough to know that something is wrong with what Feige and Coogler decided to do. I don't care one bit about Shuri sharing or being given a role that's not hers. If the culture needs a black female hero/lead then go build her one. Don't take established one and fit her in it. Unfortunately based on the language, Marvel's move seems to be shading T'Challa out of the movie side. I don't know, even with Blade getting spotlight on the next big event how important is T'Challa to the comics?