I feel like the idea I PMed Highwayguy I may aswell post here. Basic concept of my series:

I would love a series that would start with an assassination attempt on Jonah J Jameson, the Mayor, by Bullseye when suddenly Moon Knight stops him. A struggle, the gun goes off but misses the mayor but on the screen appears something alongside: 'LONG LIVE CRIME'

Bullseye dissapears and assumes Kingpin was behind this. They raid his fortress-like hotel (with both awesome heist-sequences like Ocean's Eleven and a la Kick-Ass finale scene) and throughout the Heist (multiple issues) he gets help from his team (consisting of Scarlet Spider, Cloak and Dagger, Gambit. Black Cat and maybe some other cool characters. But as we meet them and see their part in the heist, we get a flashback to them being recruited by Moon Knight.

Eventually there's a confrontation with Kingpin, who turns out not to be behind it, and the issue ends with the Hood blowing up Moon Knight's mansion.

anyway, the Hood would have mystical powers again (good, street-level mystical, he'd make an amazing Moon Knight villain) and he'd have a pretty big crime syndicate again, Gravitron, Bullseye, Wrecking Crew, Emma Frost, Whiplash, Wizard, Electro, Batroc the Leaper, Sandman, Mystique and such. But yeah, it'd be awesome.