I finished reading Shazam: The New Beginnings Deluxe OHC by Roy & Dann Thomas. The main 4-issue story which retconned Captain Marvel's origin was pretty good and an enjoyable
read. It was probably slightly controversial for some Captain Marvel fans due to the role Dr. Sivana would now play. The art by Tom Mandrake was ok but I wasn't too keen on how the faces were depicted - quite a few "ugly" faces. Captain Marvel's adventures were continued in the additional stories in Action Comics Weekly #623-#626. I preferred the art here by Rick Stasi and Rick Magyar. Not a bad story in which Billy Batson infiltrates a racist organisation although it seemed a bit rushed. The deluxe OHC seems quite a bit overpriced at $34.99 at only 128 pages and with no additional material whatsoever with the exception of a 2-page introduction by Roy Thomas. The pages are matte and not glossy. I think I may have preferred the latter. Was this material hard to reproduce/reprint? IMHO, it shouldn't have a higher RRP than $30.