Quote Originally Posted by whitecrown View Post
I think X-Men fans would get really pissed if so many classic fan favs like Bobby, Warren, Piotr, Kitty, Illyana, Betsy, Lorna, Alex, and Ali were snubbed by someone who just became a mutant and is barely even an X-Man.

And casual audiences have shown they have zero interest in her. They are genuinely not interested. She starred in the biggest box office disaster of all time. Her show is the lowest watched Disney+ series. Her video game built on the Avengers branding was DOA. Marvel is already pulling the plug on her MCU future so they are not going to risk having her taint one of their more critically acclaimed projects.

i can’t believe im defending kamala khan but here i go… the one trump card I’ll say is Feige requested she got from inhuman to mutant that has to mean something.

the avengers game can’t be blamed on her… the avengers games are usually trash most them aren’t good video game characters (i mean everyone can’t be X-MEN)

the movie can’t be blamed on her either. she’s just a supporting character the only character that i feel can be blamed is carol danvers she’s the one audiences rejected at the box office (let rogue take her out plz)

the d+ series ill concede to you since it’s her show… but she’s a mutant now and you shouldn’t talk bad about her